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She stood silently in line. Her empty metal tray sitting cold in her hands. Her orange jumpsuit sticking to her skin after her exercise hour.
Her stomach growled and she took a step forward. Once she reached the beginning of the food bar the server held out a large ladle of a mush that resembled mashed potatoes.
"Want some Pork?" The lady grunted.
"No, ma'am." She responded.
She took another step towards the next food choice.
"Corn." Grunted the next lady, she seemed younger but just as unhappy. She plopped the yellow substance on the girls plate without her answer.
The girl took another step. Then she arrived at a young man. He smiled at her and set a small cup on her tray. Inside this was a small portion of a steamy substance that smelled of tuna.
The girl never made eye contact with this server for she felt if she did something may happen. So she took the substance and took another step towards the next server. The lady set a plastic bottle of water and a small pill on her tray and urged her to move on.
The girl sat at the end of one of the many tables that were filled with girls like her. They all ate in silence for interaction was forbidden to add to the punishment.
That's when a girl sat next to her. She seemed rougher around the edges. She must be new, thought the girl. The new girl nudged her in the side, a little harder than she needed to.
"Yo." She whispered,"What up with these bitches up in here?"
The girl just shrugged her shoulders and continued to eat her sludge.
"Hey," nudged he new girl again,"I asked you a question. Answer it." She said this with more force.
"Just eat." Mumbled the other girl.
By now a few girls around them were throwing glances towards them. It was so quiet in the dining hall that you could hear a mouse breathe, unless that was the pork they served there.
"I asked you a question. And you better answer it!" Said the new girl standing up and pushing the girl.
By now almost all of the other girls were staring at them. But for some reason none of the guards or servers did anything about it. Since they were under new surveillance, many of the guards were more lenient on what happened in the dining hall and during exercise hour.
"I don't want to fight you ." Mumbled the girl.
"Then answer the fucking question." Said the new girl glancing down at the girls name tag, "Antonice."
From the new girls perspective Antonice's seemed small and fragile sitting on the corner of the benches.
Antonice stood up, she towered over the new girl.
"I don't want to have a problem," Antonice glanced at the new girls name tag,"Carmillia."
That's when suddenly Carmillia threw a fist Antonice. Somehow Antonice was able to block her fist, grab her arm, and hurl her on the ground where Carmillia seemed to lay paralyzed, gasping for breath.
That's when the guards decided to intervene. They shot Antonice down with tasers they pulled form their halters. Everything went black for Antonice.
She awoke in a solitary cell. They're was only a toilet and a bed. All the walls and the door were metal. Antonice knew all too well about these cells. If you did bad, you were punished, in unthinkable ways. Some were bad but some were harmless, much like the cells she was in at the moment.
"You've been out for about a week. They had too many guards tazing you at one time. It caused you to go into a minor coma."
Antonice looked towards the door where she saw familiar eyes. It was the male server in the dining hall.
Why is HE here? Antonice wondered to herself.
"Im here to bring you your dinner, you haven't eaten in a while so it's best that you eat as much as possible now." He said as if he read her mind.
He slid a tray into a small slit in the door. Once it was completely through, Antonice kicked it, spilling all its contents along the wall.
"I tried helping you. But you're just like the others. Time for the next one. You shouldn't have done that." Said the man.
He closed the flap for the meal door. When suddenly large things came out the ceiling. Antonice knew exactly what they were. They were going to kill her.
They began to rev up as if they had engines. She could see small sparks being emitted from the object. Suddenly their was an ear deafening crack and everything went black for Antonice. That was the last thing she'll ever see, hear, touch, or smell.
I'm sorry I have a wondering imagination and I can't really stick with one thing. Anyway if you want me to collaborate just say so in he comments. There may or may not be more on Antonice later on. But JSYK my stories aren't following the same plot. Anyway, THANK you for reading.

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