Chapter 3~Prepare

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    Blackheart awoke to sunshine streaming into his den. Standing to stretch he padded over to the Healers' den. Caius turned toward him as he walked in.

    "Callister will be fine." he growled. "His leg was dislocated but i fixed it. His wounds ar elong but not deep except for this one on his brow. I havn't seen Twister though. I'm sure he has wound too. Have you seen him?" he asked.

    Blackheart shook his head. "I can send out two or three wolves to find him. Probably sulking somewhere in the woods because I scolded him." he scoffed.

Caius gave a throaty laugh. "I don't know how you can still make jokes at a time like this." he said. "Well, out with you then. There is no room for strays in here."

    Blackheart play growled and raced out of the den. Hopping up on the stump in the middle of the clearing he called all of the pack. "Pack of no stars! Gather before, I, Blackheart, your one alpha for I have news and precautions to carry out. On the bright side Cal will recover, but Twister has not returned over night and so I need to send a patrol of three wolves to see if he is in need of assistance." he paused for a moment as wolves murmured among themselves. The news of the fight had spread fast.

   "Also I would like to double patrols along The Pack of Falling Gorges' territory. We need to prepare the camp if they decide to lead an attack. More training will go on. Hunters will be trained faster and harder. Elders please do not go out for strolls. We can't spare the wolves. We will reinforce the thorn bushes surrounding the camp. Dig escape routes that are hidden  from sight in case our camp falls and we must evacuate."

    It was if the camp had exploded. "Why must we do this? We don't even know if The Pack of the falling gorge was responsible?" Croaked Adderfang. Wolves barked their agreement across the clearing.

   "If I may go on please?" he said warningly. All the wolves looked back at him in silence. "I would like to say on a lighter note that we have four pups ready to be apprenticed. Ashheart stared at Blackheart in astonishment.. 

   "You mean it?!" he barked. Blackheart nodded at the pup. "I, Blackheart ask our ancestors to watch over this apprentice I remember you said we would pass down our knowledge to them and so I choose pup to be a Warrior. Please accept my choice and guide his paws through traing. Ashheart, your mentor will be myself." Blackheart stepped forward and licked him on the top of his apprentice's head.

     "Thank you!" Ashheart whisoered. Stepping back the apprentice lifted his head as his fellow apprentices greeted him and cheered his name. 

     "Carissa, please come forward." A small, lithe she wolf padded forward hopping with excitement.  "Carissa, may your ancestors listen and agree to my choice. You will be trained as a Hunter. Your mentor will be Shimmer." Yowls of approvement sounded arounnd the clearing. The apprentice and mentor licked each other than stepped back. 

    "Skunkstripe, please come forward." Skunkstipe stepped boldly forward and glared ambitously into his alpha's eyes. "Skunkstripe, may your ancestors listen and approve my choice. You will be trained as a Warrior and your mentle will be Thistle."

   Thistle stepped forward and licked his apprentice on the head. Stepping back to stand by Carissa, Shimmer, and Ashheart, they turned back to Blackheart. 

   "Flutter, please some forward. You will be trained as a Warrior. Your mentor will be Callister, but until he recovers you will join me and Ashheart. I haad desided and agreed with him to become your mentor and I will not go back on my word." Pointing with his tail Callister limped out of the Healers' den with Caius at his side. He walked slowly forward and stood before Flutter.Licking her head he let out a playful growl and scuffed her over the head at her astonishment. Making his way slowly back to the den he was engulfed in black. 

   "The meeting is over!" Blackheart howled above the excited voice's. "Go back to your duties please! Let us prepare our camp so we are ready to defend it at all costs!" he barked.

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