Chapter 1

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Okay so this is my first werewolf story and also I'm going to do these things called 'song of the day' and today's song is
Mmm yeah
by: Austin Mahone
\\\\\\|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||//////Destiny's pov

"Hey girly get up before the Alpha gets mad" I here someone say while shaking me I look up to see my best friend Grace

I smile and get to my feet I climb down the attic stairs and start making breakfast for the whole pack I get the pancakes done along with bacon and sausage and I take the plates to the dining hall which have 200 seat for the 200 pack members one I have the plates set with the silverware I take the milk jug an set it on the table next to the water, orange juice and apple juice once I'm done I run upstairs and got ready I put on some hand-me-down jeans and a sweatshirt that says 'okay? Okay' from the fault in our stars (I cried when I read it, it's soo sad) and my white converse and brushed out my dull brown hair I ran downstairs quickly so I wouldn't be seen by the pack members and ran out the door and got on my bike and rode to school

I chained my bike to the rail thing and walked into the school while words like 'eww it's the whore and look it's the fat ugly pig' were being thrown at me I just put my head down and started walking away. Being an omega sucks you're treated like crap and you're beaten and bullied. I'm depressed because of all the bullying and beatings because they think I killed my parents

"Mommy where's my blanky?"

"Honey the last time I saw it it was in the back yard" I nodded and went to the back yard and I saw it on our trampoline

My mommy is the best so is daddy, because he's beta so that means he's big and strong I remember yesterday they helped me color my pony it was funny I got snapped out of my thoughts by growling and I look up and see mean looking wolves

"MOMMY DADDY THERE'S SCARY WOLVES OUT HERE!" one golf the wolves start walking closer I scream I see mommy and daddy run out but they were out numbered by a lot I tried calling for the alpha but he wouldn't answer the phone so I called the third command and he said he was coming I went back outside to see what was going on and I saw mommy and daddy on the ground I look up with tears in my eyes then I notice something on all the wolves they all have red tips on their tails they are all different colors but they all have red tip

To this day I will never forget those rouges especially the leader he had a noticeable scar run under his eye and his eyes were red anyways I walk into the school and go to my locker I get out my books out with people yelling insults at me still.

Well this is a sucky way to start my birthday oh yeah I'm turning 18 today can't wait till I graduate I get snapped out of my thoughts by me running into someone and my papers flying I look up and my wolf starts yelling

'MATE MATE MATE' oh shit
I have to reject him or I will feel the mate pull

"I Carter Jo-"

"I Destiny Benson reject you Carter Jones as my mate" I cut him off he look at me shocked then angered

"You fucking bitch now I'll feel the pull!" he starts yelling at me before he can hit me I turn around and run into the girls bathroom I stay there until first period starts I slowly exit the stall and walk out of the bathroom I quickly run to the back door and straight to the woods I shift into my black wolf and run to the pack house I shift with my clothes still on I run upstairs and change into my black sweatpants and start stuffing clothes into my bag I quickly grab a piece of paper and write
' Dear sucky excuse of a pack,

see you later motherfuckers I'm gone but don't worry I'll be coming back you just won't know when and when I do I'll be more stronger and more beautiful and I'll be bringing hell with me the only person who was nice to me was Grace so everyone else watch out.
Love, Destiny

I quickly go downstairs and run away I can't stay here he'll kill me the first chance he gets I start running in human form towards anywhere really I start walking and enjoying the scenery

I've been walking for 3 hours way out of my packs land I start climbing a tree and sit on a branch with my back against the trees trunk I lean forward to where I'm like semi lying down but my legs are dangling and I fall asleep

I wake up in an unfamiliar bedroom I start freaking out where am I? I calm down and get up I go into my bag that's next to me on the floor and grab my knife ya know just so if I die I know i died trying I walk out with my knife in a ready position dude this house is huge and I'm only in the hallway it's nice the floors are marble and the walls are blood red it's really nice I make a right turn an see the most beautiful man ever

'MATE MATE MATE' my wolf Ray keeps yelling I'm confused

"He's our second chance mate dumbass" well then I put my knife down the guy finally notices me and smiles at me oh my goodness is smile is soo beautiful I smile nervously to him

"It's okay your safe, my beloved what is your name?" he asks me still smiling
OH EM GEE his voice is sooo hot.... Wait, beloved

"Are you a vampire?" I ask him he chuckles

"Yeah. and your name is?" he asks me again

"Oh yeah I'm Destiny. what's your name?" I ask him which it will probably be something completely hot

"Ryder, Colton Ryder" he just proved someone could so do that better than James Bond.

"Come here" he says I take some reluctant steps towards him

"Don't worry I don't bite, unless I'm hungry" he smirks then continues "but I'm not so come here" I walk towards him he's several inches taller than me I'm up to his mouth I look up so I can look at his eyes I stand up on my toes to see if I can be eye level but no luck and look around I grab two phone books and put them on the ground and stand on them now we are eye level

"Hi" I say shyly he chuckles which is too sexy for his own good "so what brings you onto the vampires land"

"I ran away from my pack" I tell him quietly looking down he puts his fingers under my chin and lifts up my head while shocks are going through my body

"Why'd you run away from your fellow dogs" he asks

"Well if you must know my pack abused me and I found my mate and he was about to reject me but I rejected him first then I ran away cause if I didn't he would've killed me" when I say that he growls loudly making the house shake

"Wait so I'm your second mate" he asks me I nod my head in a yes gesture he smiles at me

"Well we know nothing about eachother so let's play 20 questions" I nod at him he leads me to a couch which looks really comfy

"You start" he says

"How old are you"
"19" he replies "you"

"I turned 18 today" he looks shocked
"So you decided to run away on your birthday?" I nod

"Okay favorite color" I ask
(D-Destiny C-Carter)
D- favorite regular food
C- chicken wings
C- you
D- bacon burger from Buffalo Wild Wings
D- what are you to your pack thing or whatever it's called
C- I'm the vampire king
I choke on my own spit

"So your saying if you accept me and mate me I would be queen" he nods I quietly mumble to myself "If you do except me"

He eyes soften when I say that he grabs my thighs and pulls me on his lap

"Don't you ever say that again okay of course I would accept you I already have I mean your beautiful under your baggy clothes I can tell your skinny and curvy and I can already tell you have a beautiful personality so please don't say that it breaks my heart when you think your not good enough" when he says that I burst into tears

"Hey hey what's wrong please don't cry it hurts why are you crying" I laugh

"I'm crying because that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me in 14 years I was the omega so I didn't get much respect" I tell him

"Well here you'll be treated like the queen you are" I smile at his cheesiness and hug him

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