The Soul

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* Hi! This is my first story that i am really into doing so sorry if there is alot of errors! Please leave a coment of what you think! thanks so much!!*    

                To get a chance to not die in the world and save people is amazing all I wish for is not to mess it up! All my friends is trusting that my choice will save them from the terrible thing over 3/4 of the world.

                "2067, december 23 the day it hit us it is a week later and 1,000 people have died from this terrible disease," the news reporter explaind "We have no information to give but what we can say is it can kill any one children and adults so you will want to leave the area as soon as you can!"

             "Dalia! Come down here! we need to tell you something!" Dalias fathers yelled to Dalia. A tall girl about 5'8 come down in a blue skirt and green top, she had her brown hair back into a pony tail and she looked like something was rong. I came down and asked if the disease hit anyone in our family, they did not answer me! i wanted answers but i got none.

            "Someone has to help the people with disease's but whoo? I will! No one will do it so whats the point were all going to diee some point in time and i would like to die knowing i saved someone els than die knowing i died saveing no one but mee!!" I explaind.

          "no! Your not, just forget that we called you down now go back to what you were doing!" My family yelled to me. So i did what i was told, i thought my family would sopport me but no! I need a friend to help me but I dont got one, they all had to get that disease! I ran up to my room and fell face first into my pillow, than barried myself into my pillow i thought to myself 'this is the worst day ever!' It is the some day my mother died. My family is nothing we dont care about each others feelings or anything we dont think befor we talk it is like a death zone when we fight. That is why i dont let any one i know meet them! That is why the last friend that met them went to school telling every one we were one drugs, and she never talked to me again. People say that im pretty but there all people that feel bad for me because of my family. I always remember when i was like 8 or 9 and we would have family game night, we plaid the game called 'whats love with out fun' you had to pick the person you loved the mosted and like tell them someone you hate and then you rooled a dice and if it was even then you had to make friends with them and see haw they are like and if it was odd then you had to give the your phone number, it was fun and that was how i got  my best friend, Tara she is amazing and funny!

          After a week of scaredness my brother David killed his self, we were so sad he left a note it had said ' I have tryed to not do this but I have to i love you all but it is time for me to go i am done i dont want to die from disease! I just want all of you to no that i love you all and would do anything for any of you guys! I love you all!!' All i have for my is my drug useing, beating father! He is nothing, he isnt even my real father! My mom cheeted on him and got pregnate by he man, im glad i dont look like him! My brother did though but it looked good on him, i look like my mother or my real dad.

          "I wont give up! Im better than this! I dont care what any one says im going to be myself, that is what me mom told me and i trust it will help me!" I told myself as i stood up put on my hospital mask and marched down stairs my dad tryed to stop me but i said no and ran out the door! it was like a gost town, i walked to my nabors and knockon their door. They did not answer but when i knocked they started to scream and run around the house. i had no won to trust; and no were to go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2012 ⏰

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