chapter 1: the life of death

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The birth of death: on the 1st of december 1998 a baby was born. His name would be death, born in a down town chicago hospital. In the 12th ward, his mother was an older lady forty seven when she had him. She had been in labour for almost ywelve hours when he had finally came out of her. "Sandra!" He husband rick called to her as she faded in and out of conciousness. Rick was an older man too. Forty eight, two hundred pounds and a balding head. He had thought he was unable to have children due to an accident when he was younger which basically meamt he had to have a testicle removed causing sperm production to go down. Sandra on the other hand had always wanted children but was never able due to the fact her husband rick had the accident. She never thought much of it though as she loved him all the same, as sandra lay on the hospital bed. Her legs spread and the child crying and gasping for air in the doctors hands rick was shocked to see his wife laying there unconciouss. Or at least what he thought was unconcious, the doctor looked to sandra and then to rick "uh? So who wants to hold him" rick held out his arms. Knowing his wife would have been unable to as she was passed out "give him here" rick said abruptly smiling softly at the doctor, as he held him he felt a shiver go down his spine. A feeling of dread went over him. His stomach turning as if death himself was in the room, he looked to sandra who was drooling down herself and then to the doctor "please check on my wife?" He said to the doctor exstatically. The doctor nodded checking her pulse "time?" He said checking his watch "8:52Am" he said to himself in a low voice before writing someting down "what's going on?!" Rick said loudly. Basically shouting at the doctor "well, sir. It's your wife.." he sighed loudly before continuing "she has passed on" the doctor said. Looking downwards towards the floor. Rick shook his head, starting to tear up "no. This can't be happening No!, I refuse to except it" he screams in the babies face. "It's all this little fuckers fault!" He said gesturing to the baby. "Death! That's what I'm gonna call you!" And that is the story of how death got his name

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2017 ⏰

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