As you can tell from the title I am thinking about something really bazaar. So, ony sims for a want to make a young adult Scarlett Rose Silver and her daughter Ann Grace Silversmith. Okay, I know. Don't judge the names. I was thinking fast. So, the chalange is that Scarlett has to make a living to support herself and her child while she can't resist murdering people. Well, Scarlett isn't any serial killer. She has a really deep secret. What is it? You may ask. Well, she dosnt want her daughter to turn out like herself. She wants her daughter to be kind and caring. Will this happen? Can her daughter be kind and carding or will she be just like her mother? I will let you know when the dayjtef grows up.
What's Going On In My Mind?
RandomThoughts: Why is it when it is a school day it is harder to wake up around this time than when it is a vacation day? This happens a lot. I don't actually know why. It's just something. My brother said the next ice age is in 15 years from now due...