Chapter 1

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War had come to Earth. It had come on rather suddenly and it wasn't caused by the inhabitants of the planet. Aliens were the cause of the war. The first battle took everyone by surprise because no one was expecting aliens to drop from the sky like raindrops. Humans quickly realized that there was a difference between the aliens. Those that were dressed in golden armor were cruel and enjoyed killing anyone and anything in their path. On the other hand, those dressed in black armor were more likely to leave humans alone and just go after their enemy. The world quickly deteriorated to where famine and chaos reigned supreme.

It was into this mess a young woman was thrown. Cleo was raising her three younger siblings all by herself. Their parents had died during the first wave of attacks when Cleo was just 15. So Cleo became mother and father to her 5 year old sister Lizzie, 8 year old brother Hannibal, and 12 year old brother Alexander. They moved from place to place never really settling down. Cleo had taken her siblings and run as soon as their parents were killed. There were people out there who wanted to control her and they would use her siblings to do just that. They had come from money and that attracted a lot of people both good and bad.

Cleo managed to keep what was left of her family two steps ahead of those who were after them. It was easier to disappear into this new world because everyone was busy fighting to survive. Cleo taught her siblings how to scavenge for food and how to stay alive during a fight. It had come in handy more times than any of them cared to count, especially in this new world that was always at war.

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