chapter 1 : an acquaintance

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I had never been interested in boys . It was all about soccer and school. Parties weren't my thing either.
     " Danni !" Spencer interrupted my thoughts.
      I looked up to see a ball flying straight for my face. All I felt was warm stinging.
      " Dangit Danni your never going to learn to juggle if you don't pay attention , " He was trying his best to teach me.
   "Maybe you should let me know when your gonna kick it ! " I yelled back.
       " Danni the ball isn't going to tell you it's coming ! What are you thinking about anyways?" He asked me .
       " Nothing it's not important." I said kicking the ball across the yard.
        I walked up the steps and into the house , the white of a blender caught my attention. I ran to my room ignoring it .
    I received a text :
     Unknown: Hey! Is this Danni Ross ?
      Me : Yes why
      Unknown: it's Blake Parker do you got plans this weekend?
      Me : I have a game .
     Blake : oh okay.
Blake Parker? My third grade bully ? What in the world ? No. Boys are no. School . Soccer . Job .
     I began my homework over Shakespeare.
    10:30 , 11:00 , 12:00 ... I eventually lost track of time.
      If I was ever going to get out of this no good run down town, I would have to become a valedictorian and get a soccer scholarship.
    After seeing what loving a man did to my mom o don't think I could ever like any guy.
    I drifted off into a tormented sleep full of nightmares and cold hearts in the flesh.
    A very vivid sun burst through the slit in my curtains , waking me to the fullest.
       I dressed quickly, running downstairs to to the kitchen to grab cold leftover pizza.
      " Hi honey how are ya?" My mom suddenly came into view .
    " I'm fine ", I answered sourly .
  " I haven't seen you in days between soccer and school, " she poured orange juice into a glass.
       " Maybe if you weren't always at work you'd see me ," I snapped.
      I yanked my bookbag off the table and slammed the door behind me.
        She didn't need to shove work upon herself. Our two story house was paid for, my brother paid rent and I helped with the bills.
      "Need a ride ?" A silver mustang pulled to a stop beside me . At first I couldn't believe my eyes.
        Blake Parker with his charming smile and lively blue eyes , all alone wanting to give me a ride. Which was very unusual where was his freak show he called friends?
      " I'm fine ", I kept waking.
  " C'mon it's about to rain lemme give you a ride ."
        " It's just cloudy", I made my excuses . Suddenly a drop of rain hit my nose .
      " It is raining for Jesus sake Danni get in the car!" He said clearly annoyed .
       How did he know my name ? Honestly, I'd never seen him at any of my soccer games .
         " Hello ? Earth to the girl about to get soaked ."
        I climbed in without saying a word .
           " Danni right ? " He asked me .
        " Sure whatever you want to call me ", I said sarcastically.
           " Well I'd like to call you  cute but those calves look like they pack some punch ", he laughed a deep manly laugh .
       "Keep it up and your gonna feel it , " I snapped.
       He looked at me shaking his shaggy brown hair out of his eyes .
      " And while we're at it I could give you a haircut shaggy ," I teased .
     He laughed turning the radio up to a high setting, making the speakers vibrate .
     We pulled into the parking lot , far to much above the speed limit . We whipped into a parking space .
           I got out quickly stepping several​ feet away from Blake .
      " Blake ! My boy! You got the soccer babe!" His friends teased .
         "Lookout I hear she's tough with balls !"
         I walked over to the jerk who was talking and grabbed him by the ear .
    " Would you like to find out buddy !?" I snapped.
      Everyone clearly thought this was funny and began hollering. I realeased his ear and walked over to Blake .
     " Thanks for the ride shaggy."
     " See ya round cutie," he called after me.
     I walked quickly to my locker avoiding as many people as possible, when Jessica caught my arm
      " We need your pictures for the yearbook!"
       " I'm not interested", I cut her off .
        I was not in the mood to be nice today. My soccer game was in three days and I still couldn't juggle . My mom clearly didn't tell me , but when I got halfway down the street Jeff her ex -boyfriend was in my driveway.
     I unwilling closed my locker and headed to geometry.
       "Miss.Ross ? Are you with us ?" Mr.xavier called across the room interrupting my thoughts.
   "I got it πr2  . Blah , blah , blah ," I blurred out at him. The class erupted in jubilant laughter .
    " See me after class miss.ross ," he said angered at the laughter .
    I quickly copied my notes and watched the clock.
     I headed towards the door knowing he would catch me leaving .
    "Miss.Ross leaving us so soon? Shouldn't you come see me ," he said mocking my facial expressions.
     " Beings the soccer game is coming up you may be let off with a slight warning and a 1 page essay on the history of geometry."
      "Yes Mr.xavier ," I replied politely.
    All of my classes passed quickly until I got to French my newest class, which had just began this semester.
    I was late per usual , and the only seat open was next to Blake. Wonderful . Mr.parker himself .
      " Bonjour' Élèves!" Miss. Vishtà announced .
  " Bonjour' beautiful", Blake said affectionately.
     " Gag me with a spoon! French!" I rolled my eyes.
      He smiled his brilliant smile , his eyes gleaming with joy . UGH who couldn't like him . Me . That's who. I could not.
      The bell rang and I quickly turned to leave , but someone grabbed my arm.
   " Come with me I want to show you something," Blake's voice was low and faint .
       " I have practice ," I made myself another escape .
         "Nope I checked the schedule", he dragged me out the door .
      How could I get out of this? To be truthful I was curious as to where he was taking me.
      We ran through the parking lot to his car and spun out of the lot .
       We drove past city hall , and down a dirt road surrounded by woods . I honestly wondered if I should grab my knife in case he tried anything.
     " No I'm not going to try anything" , he laughed as if reading my thoughts.       " Didn't think you would " I said snobbily.
       We turned down a dirt path and parked . Blake led me onto the path . We walked a half a mile and there was a break in the trees . A huge clear sparkling lake , with beautiful bright green grass and singing birds .
       I was speechless.
     Blake grabbed my hand leading me to the authors edge , where he sat down.
       "I've never showed anyone this place ," he whispered .
     "Why me?" I asked . I suddenly questioned everything I knew about him.
      "Your different," he said entwining his fingers in mine .
      My thoughts raced , how was I different. Why did he like me? What the heck! No way , third grade was looong ago.
       Blake shifted and layed down.
        "Do you remember when I used to call you Donna because I thought it was funny?" He said closing his eyes.
   "Yes um why ?" I suddenly lost all hate for him.
     He leaned over pulling me to the ground . I went willingly and stared into his icy blue eyes , so unlike my deep blue ones.
    We began to talk so naturally as if we had been friends for a lifetime . Crazy as it was , we had alot in common.
      The sky grew dark and the stars popped out as bright as a million lights .
    He leaned closer , brushing my hair out of my face. It was like an electric shock running through my body .
      "Danni  , I really like you . Could we do this again?"
    "Um yeah I'm free tomorrow." I whispered not wanting to ruin the moment.
    He got up and brushed his pants off . We headed to the car.
    He put the key in the ignition , but didn't turn it. He leaned in moving my hair out of my face again  , his breath warmed my face . He cradled my face in his and kissed me . I kissed him back gripping his hair between my fingers . Suddenly my moms face flashed in my head and I pulled away.
     " I'm sorry , did I do something wrong ?" Blake's eyes widened with fear.
      " No , no it's okay." I said .
    We drove to my house in silence . I ran up the stairs and fell onto my bed . Drifting asleep I thought : this was so much more than I imagined.
     Authors note : the next chapter will be added by 12:00 pm , next Thursday (hopefully) thanks :)

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