13 reason why

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Many of you may define suicide as an act of attention or either cowardly. But that's not the true definition of suicide, you see the true definition of suicide is when someone is driven or maybe empty inside that they would kill them self. In most cases people kill them self when someone does listen to the victim but blows it out of proportion and makes it out like a joke. That's one of the main reason of why the character Hannah Baker also know as Katherine Langford had committed suicide, you see Hannah was viewed as the new kid which was an easy topic of displaying a satisfaction of putting blame or either entertainment out of the entire high school body. No matter if either there your closes friend to the quite kid in the corner there is always a 19.6 percent of a high school student to being bullied into suicide, that's more of a rate of someone most likely to report the bulling starting at the average of 14.8 percent. There are always horrible people no matter where you go, misery loves company that right there is a true fact. To demonstrate that fact in an example I will tell you my on personal experience with suicide of my best friend who had past away in December of 2015. My friend who was loved by all was an amazing and most inspiration in my life and lives of others, he was in JROTC a very smart student of our school, he has a beautiful family that loved him dearly. He had a mother and father that gave him three awesome big brothers and one beautiful little sister. He had great friends who were close like family and he had a girlfriend that adored him but despite all that there was always going to be one bad apple among the group. The girlfriend that I had mention before had said something that she did not realize that would effect all our lives. One word, just one word can change everything in perception. In that one word he had taken that in a way I didn't think he would take it in. I didn't know that he felt that empty and lonely inside that, that one little world would take it into a level we all didn't expect, that word was "Go kill yourself". You see I've noticed that we take the word "Go kill yourself" or "Go drink bleach" or my least favorite "Go hang yourself" too lightly as a joke to express hate or our own misery that we take it out with "words" that shouldn't be phrase in that sort of way because that's exactly what my friend did, he hanged himself in his back yard to where his sister of age 15 to find him hanging lifeless in that tree. Tell me do you really want your little sister or cousin, aunt, uncle, mother, father to see or hear that kind of thing, because to know that you were the cause of a persons death do you really think you could handle that kind of thing to be in your hands, let me just answer that for you. No. You don't want that kind of thing in your hands because I know what it feels like to know that you could have been the cause of someone's death without even touching them. I replay the scene that took place that day every time that the thought comes up and you want to know the first thing I think of. What could I have done differently to make him stay for him to be alive today to see him walk down the stairs of graduating with me this year to celebrate his 18 birthday to seeing him getting married having kids and becoming old with us and still making corny jokes like the flying turtles and why did Adele wanted to get to the other side so that she can say Hello or telling me my shoe lace is untied when I actually have flip-flops on. You see you just can't put a price on someone's life when you can see so much potential in them when they can't even see it themselves. And also it may not be that case sometimes people feel the constant feeling of being alone even when there are other people around it is still a need to help them instead of putting a stupid label that's not going to mean anything in the next millennium years that are yet to come. That was why 13 reason why was made to show that even the littlest things can turn into a major problem for others that's why the show was not sugarcoated because that's what happens, that's what happens when someone takes a joke into something extremely dangerous for others that have a problem with there own self. So please if you or someone you know are going through this just know that you do matter that you can make a difference that you are the best thing that has happen to this world because I am a prime example of a person who has been bullied close enough to were Hannah was. I have a syndrome called thrombocytopenia, it effects my hands to which they caved in to my side and the main thing that I was called back then was T-Rex and I hated being called that. Not only that I once had a boyfriend that I thought was everything to me but to soon find out that he said that I was "easy" and made up rumors that was not true. But through all that I have over come all those things and I know that you can too, you are not alone. So yes like I said before not everyone is who they say they are, to every innocent face there are always a hideous secret. And remember to those that need help call 1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800-273-TALK or even talk to me I am always open to be there for you when YOU need it do not take a chance in ending something beautiful that made you, you. You CAN do it, you just have to try harder and then you'll see that it was all for something.

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