
10 1 0

This is the end.
The end?
Wait, this can't be the end.
We still need to um...pretend.
or, how about a letter to send?
This can't be the end.
I still have some spoons to bend?!?!
Let's go move a house. I have hands to lend.
why not?
this cant be the end.
how about pants to mend or colors to blend?
Yes, that's it! Blend.
Then, we could add it to the letters to send
and use the fake stamps to preeeeetennnnd.....hmm
oooor how about some money we could spend.
Come on friend,
This cant be the end.
Fine. I'll deal with the end
I will comprehend the end.
My heart and goodbyes I will extend.
But, only until year end.
Then, reuniting I recommend.


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