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Two months had passed.

One whole month of Lana and Charlotte living, existing, hiding, and circling each other.

One month of them trying to figure out how to make everything work and trying to figure it all out. Figure each other out.

Charlotte soon found out things about Lana she didn't think she'd even ask about. After the first few days of trying to make it work, she found out Lana hadn't been used to be around someone constantly. The Alpha had told her she hadn't had solid relationships before so being around someone nearly 24/7. That had been a shock to Charlotte. She had thought (with who her family was) Lana would've had a list of Betas and Omegas vying for her attention. But that wasn't the case. Lana liked being alone or nearly as alone she could get with an Omega to care for. Her job as a writer had made that easy for both of them. Lana had been open with any questions Charlotte might have and even told her little things like how Lana liked sleeping in, she went grocery shopping once a week, writing was the only thing she was good at, and other miscellaneous things. But she hadn't pushed the Omega to say anything about herself.

She'd even given Charlotte the spare room. It was already set up as guest room and after they bought Charlotte clothes (and practically anything she wanted) she let her have the room as her own space. "I meant it when I said I won't make you do anything you don't want to." Lana had said. "I especially won't make you sleep with me, sexually or not. This is your space to do whatever you want with." She had even offered to paint the room if Charlotte didn't like the color. The Omega had passed on that and hid her blush at the thought of sleeping with the Alpha- even if she was her Alpha. She slept in that room and spent most of her time there.

The only thing she had been pushing was for Charlotte to take care of herself- for the pup most likely. Lana had been fretting over her once they had gone to a doctor. They had found one on short notice and a week after their bonding, they received the confirmation. She knew it was going to happen before they got the definite yes but Charlotte still felt herself deflate. She had said she'd have the pup, she would and wasn't changing her mind, but couldn't help but feel trapped. The doctor asked if this was planned or not which both of them replied not planned. They weren't about to go into details, only saying they were newly bond and mated and it just happened. The doctor looked like she wasn't surprised, like it was more common than they thought. The drive home had been too quiet but neither spoke.

That's how it had been practically the past month. Currently, the two were out grocery shopping. Lana had promised Charlotte freedom and being able to go to school but that was momentarily on pause- they needed to wait till the end of the school's semester to enroll Charlotte as she was newly mated. Charlotte had hated that news and didn't talk to Lana for days because of it. That minor separation had hurt physically and emotionally as they quietly fought through the bond. It got bad enough Lana felt like she couldn't breathe most of the time and Charlotte felt like she had the worst flu of her life. Those were small signs of the bond rejecting and both had quickly ended the quiet once they realized what it was.

No matter how bad this situation was, they weren't going to end it like this. Even if it were only for the pup.

As the two walked up and down the store aisles, Lana pushing the cart, they were mindlessly talking. "What do you think it'll look like?" Charlotte had asked without thinking. Lana had stopped where she stood in front of a row of cans and looked at Charlotte. She had noticed two things; Charlotte referred to the baby as "it" and she was actually asking about it. Though it had been two months since they child's conception, aside from the doctors visits Charlotte never talked about it. She would try to change the subject whenever Lana brought it up; even if it were something small like gender or what outfits to get. The fact she was asking about what the baby would look like was a rather big deal.

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