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At last, the war is over. Sheev Palpatine has been uncovered as being the Dark Lord Of The Sith (known as Darth Sidious), and is currently being escorted by the Jedi. Everyone is celebrating the Republic's victory, and they no longer afraid to leave their homes. The name Anakin Skywalker, which was already a household name, has become the idol of each youngling. Padmé Amidala has been appointed the title of Chancellor, and the senate have already decided to remove supreme from the chancellor's title, due to the Sith Lord incident which people are careful to talk about. Even in the outer rim, where the Republic has no reign over, the bars are full, and celebratory drinks are going around all the time, half price. Jabba The Hutt is also joining in, hosting a party later tonight with his personal band as well as all of the exotic Twi'lek dancers for entertainment.
From now on, this will be The Day Of The Republic.

From now on, this will be The Day Of The Republic

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