Day 01

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mingyu's pov :

I was rolling from left to right as soon as I heard my alarm clock went off,But when I heard footsteps thud from the floor I quickly went calm and pretended that the alarm didn't bother me at all.

As soon as the Alarm went off,They opened the door as they sigh.

I heard the sigh as I didn't move,Even if my sides are in pain.

"Mr.Mingyu isn't awake."

One said.

"Wake him up,His late for a meeting in the dining area."

Another said as it sighed.

"We'll bring hot water."

With that last word I quickly jolt up.

"Can't you wake me up normally and not make any burnt on my precious skin?" They both nodded and bowed.

"Move aside."

I clicked my tongue in annoyance.

"Young Master,I'll grab your suit and tie."
I just nodded,I have no power nor will to stop my Parents' meeting.

"Make sure it's white and black."

They nodded.

Both of them were girls,I sighed from the fact I can't get a male one so that I can have fun at home with him around. But THEY hired two weak girls.

So they came back and were holding a black and white suit with a matching neck ties.

But they aren't bad at my kind of taste also.

"Stay here,I'll go and change my outifit. And while your at waiting,Tell Mom and Dad I'll be down there after 10 minutes."

They just nodded.

"Nodders." I click my tongue while saying it under my breathe.

I stepped inside my bathroom and washed myself.

After 5 minutes I walked out of my room and locked my door. As I grabbed my inner coat and wore it,Grabbed my black pants and hopped in it.

And adding my tie.

Lastly my coat.

I walked infront of my mirror as I smirk.
"Looking good handsome." I chuckled but realized when my parents were waiting so I unlocked the door and walked down the stairs.

As I was walking down,There eyes averted to me.

"Mingyu,We're only having a meeting not a fancy party."

Mom looked at me from head and toes.

"Only a meeting not a party."
Dad added as I frown at him.

"But I wanna look good while having a meeting." Mom and Dad smiled as they both look at each other.

"We raised a handsome young men,Didn't we?" They said as I fixed my tie and raised my eyebrows wiggling them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2017 ⏰

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