Part 1

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Khushi was really very furious abot Arnav's decision. She couldn't watch Lavanya's dull face. She has seen how Lavanya has changed entirely... especially for this laad governor... how can he simply break her heart like this... Khushi was fuming inside...

She tried to control herself till Akash-Payal engagement got over. Meanwhile... Arnav sensed Khushi's strange behavior towards him. Once everything was over... she came to Arnav and asked "There Lavanya ji is so upset while you look so happy"

Arnav tried to explain her that it's not his fault but to his irritation she doesn't want to listen. Gritting his teeth he grabbed her hand and walked towards the poolside. "Leave me" she struggled in his grip. He let her in the poolside. "Khushi... when you don't know anything... you don't have to say anything..." he said in a stern tone. She replies turning her face away from him "I don't want to know anything... as I know it's your mistake..."

He grits his teeth again. She turns to him and says "You don't know how it feels... when someone breaks our trust.... When a rishta gets break..." Arnav instantly says "and you know that..." Khushi shouts "Yes... I know that bcoz my trust has been broken and my rishta too..." tears started to well up in her eyes. "What..." Arnav froze hearing this.

"Khushi..." he held her shoulders gently "how.... When this happened" he asked with concern. She removed his hands from her shoulders saying "I don't want to talk abot that..." When she started to leave he held her wrist and pulled to him. "Am asking you something..." he said looking her eyes furiously as he wanted to know. "Arnavji... leave me..." she started to struggle.

"I won't leave you.... Until I get my answer..." he said stubbornly looking her eyes. She losing her patience "Can you tell the reason behind your break up with Lavanya ji..." Instantly he left her. "What happened Arnavji.... No answer...." She looked him. "Khushi...." He uttered. "Tell me.... What's the reason..." she too was stubborn. "Will you tell me what happened when I say the reason...." He came to her with yell.

She doesn't know what to do due to his sudden approach. "Tell me.... Khushi Kumari Gupta..." It's Arnav's turn. "I I...." she struggled. "What.... Can you tell me.... When I tell the reason...." He closed the gap dangerously. "Yes or no..." his eyes deeply looked her. She nodded unknowingly. "Coz.... I love someone else... damn it..." finally he spilled it. "What...." She stood rooted to the spot.

"You heard me.... I love someone else..." his heart felt so light after spilling those heavy words though indirectly. She started to shiver and her heart beat was so heavy in fear whether he's mentioning her. Her mind quickly recollected how he behaved rudely when he came to know abot her engagement.

"Now it's your turn..." Arnav uttered as she didn't say anything. She didn't know what to tell. "Tell me..." his breath is falling on her nose. "Khushi...." Lavanya's voice made her to push him aside and ran fast before he could catch her. "Khushi..." he shouts her name in disappointment as he didn't hear the reason for her break up. 

Note: So guys... how is it.... actually i wrote this 2 years ago.... but couldn't finish it up that time.... IPKKND in my POV.... thought to continue now.... the credit goes to one of my sweetest reader/friend "Sania"... i almost left this one.... but her hope in me made me to take a step again... thanks Sania dear.... Also i would love to thank one of my cute little sis who encouraged me to post my older ones here.... she is Nandhu_Arshi..... Always love you all guys....

Keep supporting me and do let me know ur valuable suggestions.... <3<3


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