I feel a cold hand press against my back, feeling my goose bumps raise. I open my eyes, and look straight ahead, seeing packages upon packages of blood. I look down at to see my hands tied down to the arms of the chair and my legs tied down to the legs of the chair. I look around the room to see people, watching me. Just not any normal people. These people are hunters. They hunt what I am, and more people like me. I look around to see all the hunters I know. I see maybe seventeen people I know.
They all point their guns at me, as the "captain" walks in with his hands behind his back. I just role my eyes and put my head back down.
The back story with the "captain" is that I killed all his family.
I started off with his wife, I slit her throat and ripped out her guts, leaving them laying on her body. His daughter, I tied her up, and I cut her stomach open. His son, well his son wanted me too. So I busted his head against a sharp corner, then I drink all his blood. But I only did it, because he asked me too. Him, ha! He has a huge scar on his neck going down to his stomach. I wanna put that mother fucker in a bad place. He was one of the people that slaughtered my parents.When I make eye contact with him, I try to jump from the chair but the wolf spain is melting through my skin. I can't help but fight. I get very frustrated, and pissed off.
He walks directly to me, pushing back on my shoulders putting his face close to mine.
"Hello, Alysha. Long time no see" says the captain.
"Hello, Erick. Long time no see." I answer with my bad attitude.
"How did my family taste?" Erick asks.
I lick my lips. "Pretty good." I answer.
"You fucking bitch! You killed my family!" Erick yells.
"You fucking dumbass! You killed my parents" I yell back.I start to twist my wrists around, making the wolf spain burn through my skin, I yank hard, braking the rope that held me to the chair. I jump up, directly going for Erick. I jump on him feeling bullets hit me repeatedly. I slice his throat open, making all his blood land on my face. As he gasps for air, I watch his life drain from him. Once I know he's dead, I quickly get up. Using my speed, I run around the room, and slicing my nails through the stomachs of people standing in the room. I run out of the room and run all the way back to my house...
Alysha Ryann
Kurt AdamThis story is based on Hybrids, Werewolves, Vampires and Witches. It also involves Vampire Dairies and Teen Wolf.