Ch 14 - 17 years later

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The two sisters walked out of the semi-Destroyed  tower (from starfire's jealousy) they went their separate ways down the opposite streets, Natalie ran to the titans and her sister with tears in her eyes and hugged them before turning back to head down the street. As she looked back she saw her sister give robin a giant hug as she looked at robin she saw tears in his eyes, that was when she looked at what was in cyborg's hands and stoped to turn around and saw him give her a dark blue and black suit, slim and sleek as she put it on it turned her arm into a sonic blaster like his. As Echo's midnight dark hair glistened in the sunlight she gave a finale hug to everyone she went to Natalie and walked away. They both looked back and saw how sad they were. As they moped along to a crossroad they went in opposite ways, Natalie reached the pizza  parlor.

She hesitated as she opened the clear door with a help wanted sign on it she started to sob. later Echo stopped at the nearest  public restroom she put her suit on,and walked into the pizza parlor as Natalie came to the table she asked the name the order was under. At that time the titans came and sat with her not knowing who the familiar 33 year old and the twin waitress.

"What's the name this order is under?" Natalie asked.

"Teen  Titans." A man with long black hair and a mask on replied.

"No its under dark shadow." A girl with black hair insisted

As the titans stared at the girl looking at them with excitement.

"Hey guys been awhile like 4 years, or something!” Nat with an awkward grin on her face.

“4 years sinced you betrayed us. 4 years since Starfire threw a rage and destroyed the city?” Beast Boy said sourly.

“Beast Boy.” Echo warned.

“Where’s Raven?” Natalie asked. Everyone looked very sheepish.

“Nat, Raven, uh, moved on.” Nightwing, or Robin, said.

as Dark shadow looked away her thoughts started to race

"What do you mean by that?” Echo asked worried.

"She went to asarath, and stayed there.” Beast Boy said

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