Dialogue Chapter

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Not all of my chapters will be like this. I might throw one in every now and then if I don't have a lot of time to update, but it'll later be changed to a regular chapter. For now, this is a sneak peek into the story. Just keep in mind I don't have everything figured out yet, so things will change as I go along. Enjoy.


"I have a feeling this is the wrong number..."

"Um...this is a window."

"Sh! Shut up! Did you not get the copy of the script I threw at your window?"

"No...it was closed but then I heard rapid knocking behind a closed curtain."

"Oh. Here, then."


"Yeah, yeah, just read the script, grasshopper!"

" 'Maybe, but I can make it the right number'?"

"Ew. Bye, felicia. Talk to you soon because I will probably get the wrong number again, but if I call just don't answer because I don't want to talk to a creep like you ever again."

"This town is weird as f--"


"The he--?"


"What is your problem?"

"Thou shall not use such language because thy does not approveth of such foul mouth"

"Stop talking to me, desperate probably smoking hot boy."

"Okay, bye probably really ugly freak."





"I was going to say fudge and heck."


This is more of like an introduction to the characters and their personality. More chapters to come!

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