Then we reached land again. Towards the end it had become considerably less crowded and they gave out more food as well. It was a relief to finally get off the ship and out of the gloomy, depressed area. I was pretty sure that I would never be able to wash out the stench of death ever again and would be scarred for life. I was dragged out of the hatch and I immediately closed my eyes. After weeks in the dark, my eyes couldn’t adjust to the light so quickly. There were ghosts everywhere, oh sorry, ‘Europeans’. That is what they call themselves. There some wearing rags like me, and there were others wearing these ginormous frilly things. I had no more time to watch though because just then I was dragged away again and brought into another dark building. Oh the relief of being in the dark again, out of the burning sun and somewhere my eyes can actually see.
Inside was actually not that bad. They didn’t whip you or beat you and I couldn’t hear and cries coming from anywhere. It smelt fresh and was nice and cool. There we were cleaned and then they rubbed oil into our skin. To make us look healthier I guess. As I was brought out, someone yelled James. No, they must have made a mistake, my name is Jelani. However when I sold, it was as James. They had changed my name without me knowing and now I had to follow my new master as ‘James’ instead of Jelani.
And that’s how I ended up here. I learnt to read and write by watching the master do it, and by looking at signs. I’m self-taught but I apparently do very well. I just have to keep it a secret or I will get in trouble. I’ve been working at this place now for 1 and a half years. It’s a sugar plantation. I plan new canes, water some, and pick off the bugs and worms. When the time comes I harvest them and repeat the process. It’s hard work but at least I haven’t gotten sick or hurt yet. I hope that one day I can buy my freedom.
Well that was a short but eventful story. And it took a grand total of one day to write and post it. It was fun writing it and hope you like the ending
Journal of a slave
Historical FictionThe journal of an African slave who was captured and taken to America.