IM Convo 1: If You Were Gay....

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BringingSexyBack is online

BringingSexyBack: Is anybody there? No?


                                  *forever alone*

cant_touch_this is online

BringingSexyBack: Doo doo doo doo. Doo doo. Doo doo. *whispers* Can't touch this!

cant_touch_this: Damn you Bion! You do that every time I come online!

BringingSexyBack: Hehe I know. I have it saved so I can copy and paste it whenever I want!

cant_touch_this: Yeah yeah, whatever Justin...

BringingSexyBack: Question mark?

cant_touch_this: Timberlake? HELLO?!?!

BringingSexyBack: OH. okay, I get it now.

cant_touch_this: *facepalm*

BringingSexyBack: What? WHAT? Why do you CONSTANTLY facepalm whenever you IM me??

cant_touch_this: I only facepalm because you EARN the facepalm...but anyway, how goes it in your strangely insane universe of debatable awesomeness?

BringingSexyBack: Ohmigod, my boyfriend Lyle is SO ADORABLE!! He says the CUTEST things and I just love him so much!!! I mean, I didn't think one person could be this incredible but apparently I was wrong!!! You see what happened was...

cant_touch_this: Okay, if you gush that much when you're actually around him, I highly doubt he's gonna go out with you much longer...

BringingSexyBack: Eugene!!!! Sacrilige.

cant_touch_this: What? I'm just pointing out the truth dude.

BringingSexyBack: That sounds like the bitter, lonely comment of a perpetually single loser my friend. I'M just saying....

cant_touch_this: Hey! Who says I'm single?!

BringingSexyBack: Does this mean you've actually found someone?!

cant_touch_this:, not exactly....

BringingSexyBack: Aha! I knew it!! See, if you listened to me and just did what I'm telling you...

cant_touch_this: I do not care what you say or however many times you say it Bion. I will tell you again: I am NOT gay. I have never BEEN gay and I WILL never be gay. Guys just do not do it for me, no matter how much you think they should. Got it?

BringingSexyBack: But how do you KNOW if you've never even given it a try? You're so cute, I bet I could set you up with someone amazing if you'd only let me!

cant_touch_this: NO.

BringingSexyBack: PLEEEEEAAASE???

cant_touch_this: NO!!!!

BringingSexyBack: You're just afraid to widen your horizons. I however, will end this argument as I'm the taller, more handsome person.

cant_touch_this: ...Um...

BringingSexyBack:OMG I'M SO SORRY!

cant_touch_this: What are you on about, I was just amazed at your stupidity. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2012 ⏰

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