Chapter 1.

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"Ivy" I hear my voice being called as I was searching through aisle 4 of the library. I turn around to see Jeff Atkins calling for me. I roll my eyes sure he was hot I just knew that a lot of the boys were douches and I would just get hurt by them in the end.

"What do you want Atkins" I say turning around with the book Romeo and Juliet.

"Have you seen Clay" He asks. I was surprised usually when boys called my name it was to make a dirty joke or invite me to a party or something.

"Um no sorry" I say turning to sit at a table next to his and sitting down.

"Okay thanks you wanna sit here" He asks motioning to the chair next to him.

"Depends how much work am I gonna get done" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"All of it and I will even give you a ride home" He states tucking his pen behind his ear.

"What's your motive?" I question doing the same with my pen.

"Well considering Clay just bailed on me for our study sesh and the prettiest girl in the school is the only other person in this library besides that though I'm bored" He says shrugging.

"Thanks for the compliment but I'll just stick to doing my work" I say taking my pen and opening the book. After a minute or two I hear books drop next to my face, I jump out of my chair nearly falling off.

"What the fuck Jeff you scared the crap out of me" I scream coming face to face with Jeff who is now laughing his arse off.

"SHHH Indoor voices" The librarian said.

"You have to admit though that was pretty funny" He says laughing sitting next to me. I smile slightly shaking my head. He was different than most boys that I talked to.

"So what you reading?" He asks leaning back on his new found chair.

"Romeo and Juliet it's for the school's play" I say flipping to the next page of the book.

"Cool who are you playing" He asks leaning towards me slightly.

"Juliet" I answer looking up from the book towards him to see what he was gonna say.

"Ah My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite." He says.

"So you know shakespeare" I ask more of a question.

"Please I'm not that dumb plus the story is interesting" That wasn't something I expected from him. Then again I didn't really know Jeff. For all I know tomorrow there will be rumours going around about some fake shit.

"I'm not gonna get any work done am I" I question turning towards him.

"Nah but hey you wanna go get something to eat, or if you don't want to I can just drop you off at home or something" He says nervously towards the end, getting out of his chair and throwing his varsity jacket on.

"Um I don't know" I say tapping my pen in anticipation.

"Okay it's fine" He says looking away.

"Ah screw it let's go" I laugh to which he laughs at. I get out of my chair and pull my jacket on before exiting the now empty school with Jeff Atkins.

The rest of the night was amazing. We laughed for what seemed like forever he made me smile which was rare. There was something different about him. He drew me in and warmed my heart. But I knew tomorrow he would act as if we never had this encounter. Or would he?

There we go first chapter up. Next ones will be longer promise.

- Sarah xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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