Ok, hi! I've been tagged for the first time in my life! I was tagged by TurtleWarrior03
Make sure to check her out!! OK so I'm guessing I just give 14 facts about myself?? Got it I'm going to do 15 just to piss you off iris!! Lol here we go!
1. I love anime!!!!
2. It is currently 10:31 pm
3. I do not have a religion. (Pls no hate)
4. I fail hilariously in my language arts class.
5. I hate humanity, but I think a lot of people do.
6. I am such an introvert it is not funny.
7. Tomorrow is easter and I calibrate for the candy!!( Same for anything else)
8. Huge geek (not a nerd there is a difference)
9. I have hazel eyes that turn green an the inside when I strongly feel an emotion.
10. I enjoy pissing people off and being emotionless when people want me to react to something.
11. I enjoy science, especially the times when we dissect things!
12. I have 1 sister and one brother, I'm the oldest.
13. I prefer to be alone when I can.
14. I enjoy soccer.
15. I enjoy origami in my free time.
There we go! OK... Now for the tags!! I CHOOSE YOU!!
---KI---Good luck my friends, and may the odds be ever in your favor...