Chapter 11

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Casey POV
what was going on? I wasn't for sure I was just standing with my hands up like I did something wrong while derek kissed me? Then I begin to LIKE IT!!?? what is the matter with me I put my arms around his neck and kissed back?! Then I realized what I was doug and pushed away and went all the way to the edge of the room. Derek looked down like WTF just happened. "Derek?" I finally say after about a mintine went by. 
"Yes?" he said weakly. 
"Kiss me again." I say without thinking.
"What?" he asked looking up at me. 
"Kiss me again." I say walking up to him and grabing his head and kissing him again. He kissed back. This was so wrong yet it felt so right. I pulled away. My eyes got big and I ran out of the room. Later that night I was laying o my bed I my pjs it was after dinner and I was studying for a test tomorrow. When Derek came to my door and knocked. I sit up. " Its open." I say taking a carrot and eating it. Derek walks in shutting the door behind him. "Derek." I say putting everythig on hold.
"Lets cut the bullshit Casey." he begins. " Now what's going on?" he asks.
"Meaning?" I ask.
"Meaning what was with earlier today."
"We kissed Derek that's it. It was uncalled for and I'm sorry. It won't happen again." I say calmly. "Im also sorry that I ruined your brother talk with Edwin." I say.
"I get those all the time. And don't be sorry for that kiss." he says.
"Derek don't okay I know you don't like me at all and it was a god awful kiss for you I bet." he stops me.
"No no no. Casey shut up. I liked it." He says.
"What?" I ask. Did he really like it?
"I liked kissing you. That's why I don't want you to be sorry. If you must know I wa talk about you to Edwin before you walked in." I look down then back at him.
"Why were you talkig about me?" I ask.
"because I needed to tell someone about how hot you looked in the Babe Raider outfit. Of course you showed up at my door before I could get a chance." he says.
"Derek."I start.
"I liked kissing you too. And thank you for think I looked hot today." what was coming out of my mouth? This was so wrong. " Derek one more question."
"You haven't really asked any questions but go ahead." he says with a smile.
"Have you ever thought something was so wrong that it was almost right?" I ask.
"Yea." he replies.
"What was it?" I ask.
"This." he says. Then he leaned in and kissed me again. It was almost as good as the first kiss we had had a few hours ago. It was full of passion and I loved it. I couldn't believe that I was starting something with Derek. Something that wasn't a fight or a rant or something else bad. It was a sort of relationship. Was it good or bad? I didn't know. I just knew that Derek and I had something. Then I realized we were making out on my bed and the phone was ringing. I pull away. And answer.
"Hello?" I say.
"Are you okay you sound out of breath?" Emily says on the other line.
"Emily Hi what's up?" I ask. I give Derek a eye saying get out he does.
"Seriously have you been working out or something?" she asks still going on about how out of breath I was.
"Something like that." I say.
"Hows the family?" she asks. Whenever she asked about my family she meant Derek.
"Derek is fine Em." I say.
"Hey Casey could you get off the phone I need to call Sam." Derek says on some other line in the house.
"Hi Derek!" Emily says despratly.
"Derek get off the phone!" I say firmly

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