Chapter 18

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As Derek and I were sneaking in a light gets turned on. Busted. We both freeze with a deer in the headlights look think it is Mom or George. To our surprise it is Edwin. We both sigh in relief. "Edwin why are you still up?" I ask.

"Do you know what time it is?" he asked sounding like a worried parent.

"Well given that there is a clock right there. I would say it's 1:30." Derek replied in his care free tone.

"Why are you guys coming home so late?" Edwin asked.

"We were partying and time got away from us." I answer.

"Yea. What she said." Derek said backing me up.

"Shut up Derek." I say.

"Look you guys were not at a party." Edwin says. Oh god! We are busted. "Sam called he was looking for Casey." Edwin says looking at Derek.

"Me? But why?" I ask looking at Derek who looked kind of upset. What was wrong with him?

"He said he needed to talk to you about something." Edwin replays to my question.

"Oh well I will."

"No Casey I'll call him. It's weird if you do. He probably  just wanted homework help or something. "Derek says interrupting me.

"Oh okay. Well I'm tried. Goodnight." I say. Walking upstairs.

"Night Case." Derek says.

"Goodnight Casey." Edwin says. I hear him go into the kitchen then goes up the back stairs. After I hear him go to the attic I run back downstairs to where Derek still stands. I walk to him and kiss him goodnight. He kisses back and then pulls away.

"Goodnight Derek." I say still in his arms.

"Night Casey." He says kissing me again.

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