I love dreams
It's my alter egos realityA parallel universe where I am in control
But sometimes i can't
And the dream turns into a monsterI try to get away
I run
But its too slow
My resting muscles tense
My mind thinks it's real
I feel trapped and can't moveThen it reastarts
It's like pressing the eject button on a CD player but it's broken
And won't stop playing
stuck on one songEJECT
Why does it keep restarting?I'm in prisoned in my mind
My own body is against me
It wants to make me suffer
Not even safe in my dreamsWhen I finally break free
I see the light
My eyes abrubtly open as I sit up
Racing heart
Short breaths
Dripping in sweatI'm alive
Melancholy ~ poems by Possessive Princess
Poetrymel.an.chol.y ˈmelənˌkälē/ noun a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause.