Being Sick

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Kleenex the heart on my colds,

wasting you as water watches cold -

ache, shiver, sneeze...


"UGH! I Hate This!"

Rambling racketing chest,

My head a bird's nest,

Drinking soothes until -

ache, shiver, sneeze...


"I Really Hate This!"

Back to bed.

Back before early afternoon -

"ahhhh sleep..."

All's well until -

Ache, Shiver, Sneeze...


You fall off the bed.

Your face - face down.

Again frustration,

"UGH Just let me sleep!"

But sleep is your ex,

It runs away as you choke on congestion.

Combusting trumpets appear

As tissues fall to their doom -

Ache, shiver, sneeze...


"Why did I get a cold. UGH!"

As early afternoon runs away from your sneezing,

darkness falls

Maybe now sleep...

Ache, Shivier, Sneeze...


"Shut up Nose!"

The cold continues and finally you grabbed sleep,

Pulling, Dragging, Fighting, Screaming

Chaining him to your ankles.

Your head lies back,

You breathe easy,

Till Morning when the Sun is sick of Sleep,

Then -

Ache, Shiver, Sneeze...


Rambles of a TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now