Chapter 1

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“Park Jimin you look sexy as hell.” Taehyung shouted as soon as he entered Jimin’s room.
“What are you talking about? Are you mocking me Kim Taehyung?” Jimin said lowering the duvet and getting off the bed.
“No no. Look see this.” Taehyung waved the magazine in front of Jimin’s face.

Jimin took the magazine and saw himself plus his family stamped on the cover under the headline ‘Royal family’s Royal Entrance.’ Jimin rolled his eyes and skimmed through the article. It talked about how they came back from the trip to England accompanied by pictures of them getting off the plane, outside the airport, getting in the car. There were lots of pictures. The picture Taehyung was talking about was of him wearing a tailored suit holding his tie-like he was trying to take it off. His hair was disheveled on purpose.

“I can’t believe them. When did they even take this picture? It’s not even related to this article.” Jimin said exasperated.
“Eyes and ears are everywhere Jiminie. They are watching you.” Jimin laughed at Taehyung’s bad impression of Mr. Lee who was his royal etiquette teacher.
“Whatever.” Jimin laughed pushing Taehyung off the bed.

Park Jimin second son of Park Sehyun, the King of South Korea. To everyone it would be a dream to spend even just a day as a Prince but to Jimin who was born as royalty it was not such. Being a Prince is not always rainbows and sunshine, there are always storms you have to deal with too like how his uncle got disowned by the King when his affair was exposed by the media and it was discovered that he was having a child out of wedlock. The scandal shook the royal family hard. Jimin wasn’t even born then but it was common knowledge that no one dared to go against his grandfather the great king, and no one objected when the King made the decision. Being a royalty is not just always clothes, accessories, throwing balls, going to exotic places. These are there sure, but there is shit ton of responsibilities to deal with too. The uncertainty of who might be watching you. Always being careful of what comes out of your mouth. Never getting to experience things like dating lest it becomes the next big scandal. No privacy. It’s like being caged. Sure the cage is made of gold but it’s still a cage nonetheless.

Jimin hated being in the camera’s eye with every fiber of his being. He wanted to experience things like hanging out with a group of friend, doing silly things without having to watch your back, doing skinship without the media blowing it out of proportion. Jimin wanted to be free. He wanted to be normal to be ordinary. But life does not always go as we want it to be. The only thing that was normal in Jimin’s life the only thing he was happy about was his best friend Kim Taehyung. Jimin met Tae when he was 7 years old and he was crying on the park bench after he got lost when he ran away from his bodyguard in the park. Tae comforted him and stayed with him till his guard found him. His parents realized Jimin needed some normality and some genuine friends in his life and allowed Tae to come and go as he pleased since he made Jimin happy. The rest was history.

“Seriously Jimin how can you not like that movie?” Tae said.
Jimin and Tae spent the whole day watching reruns of dramas they like and then some movies since it was Sunday which happens to be the only day Jimin didn’t have any lessons.
“I like it. But I have like seen it like 500 times already. Play something else.”
They ended up watching Running Man since they kept arguing and couldn’t agree on a movie.

When the show ended Tae got up and stretched. “Ok Jimin. See you tomorrow.”
“Where are you going?” Jimin asked in confusion.
“Home .” Tae said. “I have school tomorrow and believe me I am not looking forward to it. I so don’t want to go. I have so many tests tomorrow. I hate Mondays.” Tae whined
“Well atleast you got to go to school. I wished I could go to school. All I ever do is stay in this house surrounded by these walls and when I go out it’s always for royal stuff or with my family and always, always with a bodyguard.” Jimin grumbled pulling his knees towards his chest.
Tae’s expression softened and he came forward to hug Jimin.
“Though you are not missing out much, but I really don’t get why you are not allowed to even go to a private school? You are a prisoner in your own house.” Tae joked
“Thanks a lot Tae. You really brightened my day or more specifically night.” Jimin said sarcastically glancing towards the sky through the window.

Jimin turned back towards Tae to see him deep in thought. He had that look on his face like he was planning something and Jimin knew that look well. It was his mischievous face, the one which always get them in trouble.
“Whatever you are thinking the answer is no.”
“Oh come on Jiminie. You’ll like…no…you’ll love this idea I swear.” Tae whined
“I highly doubt that.” Jimin snorted. “Your ideas always spell trouble Tae.”
“What are you talking about? My ideas are the best.” Tae said.
“Need I remind you of the time when were 10 and you convinced me it would be cool to use the blender without the lid and the shakes we were making flew everywhere? on us, the counter, the floor?” Jimin said laughing.
“That was dumb I agree.” Tae said “But that was one time.”
Before Jimin could protest Tae continued. “Jimin, atleast hear me out please.” He was giving him puppy eyes.
Jimin let out a sigh. “I know I am going to regret this but what’s on your mind?”
Tae showed his signature boxy smile and said. “You know my friend Hoseok right? He is throwing a party and I now it will be lit-“
“Tae. No.” Jimin cut Tae off.
“But-“Tae said.
“No Kim Taehyung.
“Oh we are using full names now. Are we?” Tae teased
“I cannot go to a party.” Jimin said ignoring him.” My dad will kill me if he finds out. Besides how do you expect us to go there? There are security guards stationed at every corner.”
“Who said your dad has to know? And we’ll sneak out.”
“My dad will have my head. Are you kidding me?” Jimin hissed.
“Yah! Park Jimin! You are 17 and you are yet to experience the joys of being a teenager. You have no social life. You have never gone to a party. Do you want to spend the rest of your life wondering and thinking what ifs? Seriously Jimin what are you waiting for? Live a little.”
“Well I always wanted to go to a party. To see what the hype was about.” Jimin said honestly.
“See? Maybe you’ll get caught. Or you may not. But what would you like more? Sitting here, mopping and thinking what it would be like? Or actually going there, experiencing and seeing for yourself?” Tae said raising his eyebrows.
Jimin looked at Tae and a slow smile made its way on his face. “Fuck it. Let’s go party.”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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