Harry Potter Dramione: Romeo and Juliet

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It was the 1st of september, it was morning and Harry, Hermione and Ron were all sat on the hogwarts express on their way to Hogwarts. "So Hermione how was your summer?" asked Harry, Hermione smiled and said "It was okay actually... I spent my summer at the burrow with Ron and Ginny. How about you Harry?" Harry shook his head and replied "Well... it was eventful... that's all I can say." Ron and Hermione laughed. "I'm going to get some air okay it's a bit too hot in here..." Hermione said. She got up and left the carraige. 

She was walking down the corridor of the train when she bumoed into someone. "Oh I'm sor...Malfoy it's you.." Hermione said. Draco nodded and said "Granger..." Hermione looked at the floor and noticed she had knocked some off Draco's books out of his hands and picked them up, she handed them to him and said "Here you go..." Draco smiled at her and said "Thanks." he then took the books from her. Suddenly the train began to shake. "Malfoy whats going on?" Hermione asked with a worried voice. Draco looked around and said "I don't know it feels like an eathquake..." at that moment the door just behind Hermione started to unhinge... "Granger get out of the way..." said Draco as he pushed Hermione out of the way and fell on top of her. He remained huddled over her until the earthquake had stopped. As soon as it was over Draco got up and helped Hermione up and said "You okay Granger?" Hermione nodded as Pansy came rushing into Draco's arms. "Draco... Thank god your okay. That was so scary..." said Pansy. Draco put his hand on Pansy's cheek and said "It's okay baby... I'm here now, why don't you go back to the carraige and sit with Blaise and I'll be there in a second." Pansy nodded and did as Draco asked. "Well I'm glad you're okay Granger... See you around." Draco then went back to his carraige and Hermione went back to hers.

In Hermione's carraige Ron and Harry were talking about the earthquake... "What do you think caused that earthquake?" asked Ron. Harry shrugged his shoulders as Hermione walked in. "Mione thank god your okay." Ron said as he hugged her. "I'm fine babe...Just shaken up that's all." Hermione said. "Wheres Ginny?" Harry said jumping out of his chair. Hermione stood up and said "She's fine Harry relax I was just with her and Cedric." Harry sat down as Hermione did the same. "Whats she doing with Cedric Diggory?" Harry asked. Hermione looked at him and said "Harry it's fine they're just good friends anyway Cedric's dating Luna." Harry smiled and said "Oh well that's okay then." They then arrived at Hogwarts. Hermione stepped off of the train and saw Draco with Pansy. "I really don't want to be at this poxy school anymore." Pansy said whilst she was in Draco's arms. "It's okay baby just a few more years and then I can have you all to myself." Pansy squealled as they walked off towards the school. Hermione began to feel jealous. Just then Ron and Harry stepped off of the train. "Come on baby lets go." Ron said, Hermione didn't even realise Ron was talking to her when Harry clicked his fingers and said "Mione..." Hermione snapped out of her thoughts and grabbed Ron's hand and walked up to the school.

 In the great hall all of the students were waiting for Dumbledore. "Welcome back to Hogwarts for this term." said Dumbledore. Everyone clapped. "Now Mr.Filch has asked me to tell you that no one and I mean no one is to enter the Library through the door on the second floor as it's currently out of use. Also might I see Mr. Draco Malfoy, Miss. Hermione Granger, Mr. Cedric Diggory and Miss. Ginny Weasley at the end please. Dismissed." Dumbledore said. Everyone left the great hall exept for the four students that Dumbledore had requested. "You are in no sort of trouble, You have been selected as the head boy's and the head girls for the entire school. Now I hope you can all get along together... Mr. Malfoy, Miss. Granger. You can go to the heads dorm now. The first door on the right of the 4th floor." Dumbledore said. They all left. 

In the heads dorm Draco walked in first and said "Not a bad room... huh Granger." Hermione walked in next followed by Ginny and Cedric and said "No actuallly it's not. We should all choose beds." Ginny went and jumped on a single bed, Cedric went and jumped on to the bed with a desk attached to it, Draco went and jumped onto the double bed and Hermione went and jumped onto the bed opposite Ginny. "Really Draco... Why do you need a double bed?" asked Cedric, Draco smiled and said "So Pansy can stop over."  Cedric laughed and said "I'm not having that filthy liitle dog in my room." Hermione looked at Cedric and said "Cedric that's a horrible thing to say... Okay so Pansy isn't the nicest of people but she's not a dog!" Cedric jumped down from his bed and said "Grow up Granger..." and then left the room. Ginny followed him and it was just Hermione and Draco. "Thanks Gran...Hermione." said Draco. Hermione looked confused and said "What did you just call me?" Draco smiled and said "Your name is Hermione is it not." Hermione nodded and said "Yes but... you usually call me Granger... I'm just confused..." Draco smiled and said "Well I just thought we could be friends... since we share a room now." Hermione nodded and said "I would like that very much Draco. Also don't listen to Cedric he's just a stuck up twat who thinks he's better than everyone else." Draco nodded and said "Mione... I can call you Mione can't I?" Hermione nodded. "I was just wondering if you would like to take a walk down by the black lake?" Draco asked. Hermione looked at him and said "Yes I would like that very much." They then left the dormitory. 

Harry Potter Dramione: Romeo and JulietWhere stories live. Discover now