Chapter 1- Same old day.

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Hi. I'm Juinai, and i live in the forest with elves. I get bullied on a day to day basis about my cranberry-red hair. And today was just another same old day.
I walk through gates of my highschool, Ukalretsel, and kick the fallen blossom petals under my feet. I love living in the forest with the other elves, but.. I don't feel like one. I Never have, to be honest. As I'm walking through, something catches my eye. I'm not sure what it was, but it had tiny numbers and small arrows on it that turn every so often. I sit in a mound of petals on the grassy areas around the great oak tree where our school has hidden in for years. You might ask why its hidden.. But that's a different story.. The tree it's self has width of two sets of conjoined human houses and as tall as 60 of them piled on top of each other. Yeah, my school was huge, and huge schools bring big, over confident people. By that, i mean bullies.
"Oi, strawberry! What have you got there?" Jake laughs, he's leader of the group of bullies i have to face.
"Yeah, you stupid berry! What is it? Something shiny? Let me see!" Said another, her Name was jenny and These two where twins. Jake and Jenny.. They where just as bad as each other.
The small contraption gets ripped from my hands and i stand up from the petals i was sitting in and protest, "Hey! Give that back! I found it so it's mine, you jerk." I scowl, ripping it from his sweaty hands.
"Fiesty today are we?" jenny smirks, and beckons with her hand for another to join them. Sasha. The Kind girl who always follows them like a lost sheep.
"Take. it." Jenny orders Sasha, "or i will!"
"You can.." Sasha replies.
"Whatever. Just go tell our first teacher that I'll be late." She smirks.
Jake nods at her too, "Me too."

I shake my head in fear, "Please not again.." I clutch the metal in my hand tightly and back away until i hit my back on the school's bark.
"Aww. Scaredy cat, are ya?" Jake scoffs and chuckles, "come on. Give it."
I shake my head, no.
"Come oonn girly! We don't got all day!" Jenny shouts with terrible grammar.
"Please. Just let me keep this one." I whisper, closing my eyes ready for the impact of a fist which comes soon after.
I whine and hunch over, trying to catch my breath. The bitch winded me.
"Don't make me hurt you more, c'mon, give it up already, berry head!" Jake remarks.
"No.." I stammer
"Juuiii" the sing, "oh juiiii come on darlin', let's get this over wig easy this time, hm?
I shake my head and stare at them, knowing well what they'll attempt.
Jake threw punches at my face while jenny stood and watched, laughing like the cow she is.
I still held onto the item and tight as i could while i was getting beaten.
I cough, and my nose begins to bleed. Jake steps back and nods at his sister.
"See you in class, Juinai." They say sternly.
I close my eyes again and put my knees up to my chest, "i hate this damn place.. Why can't i ju-" i stop in my place when a hand is place on my shoulder.
In turn my head and come face to face with a boy.
"Are you alright? I saw those two beat you up before going to the side of the tree. i tried to follow them but i couldn't find them."
I look at his ears and my eyes widen, a human?! Oh god,i have to go! I scoot away from him and grab my bag rushing to put things back inside of it.
"Let me-" i push his hand away with the one i hold the metal in.
"Hey! That's my watch, where did you get that?!" He asks, surprised as he takes my wrist. I pull away and hold it out to him. Once he takes it, i run to the side of the tree walk inside the school. For elves, there is a magical barrier letting only themselves and woodland creatures see the door. The other creatures, such as the humans, air and water creatures cannot see it. I take out a tissues and wipe my nose, as well as the other cuts on my face and walk to my class. It was about ten minutes until my next one.
I walk in and then wind slams the door behind me shut. Everyone looks at me while i hide my face and walk to my desk in the back corner of the room.
I just hope this day gets better...
~ Time skip ~
Lunch, just great. This is totally what i need. Another meeting with Jake and Jenny.. I sigh and walk out of my class. I run to the cafeteria and order my meal. I pay and then walk to the janitors closet. I sit on a bucket and eat my lunch in there for the whole half an hour that we got.
When the bell rang for the last class of the day, i left my food test on the bucket and  waited to be let into to class. Until, that is Jenny Walks up to me.
"Where is it? Did you give it to someone? Oo! You've got a crush!" She pokes me and i tell her to stop multiple times but she doesn't. It starts to hurt my arm so I push her away from me. She smirks and sits at her table in the class, while i sit at mine.
"Humanoligy." The teacher states, "Something that all elves need to know. Now, you will be tested on this in tomorrows class, so i suggest you start focusing. Alright let's head on with the lesson." The teacher explains about the danger of a human, and hoe they will only ever use us for money, sex, and as poorly treated maids/butlers. My mind flashes back to the boy this morning and i become slightly panicked.
"Juinai." Said the teacher.
"Y-yes?!" I say back, startled as i come out of my thoughts.
"Could you please tell me what humans might use us for and for what purpose?" he pauses, waiting for me to answer.
"U-um... Money, sex, s-slaves.." I scratch my head "and um.. The purpose is to.. Is to.. umm.."

"As I thought." he takes a pink slip and crosses the class to give it to me. "Detention with me for 20 minutes tomorrow. We'll go over this lesson. again. Alright?" He sighs  and i nod my head, "Y-yes... Sir.."
The bell chimes three times, signalling that class is over. I rush out of the class room and stop as i get to the stairs. I take one step onto the step below and already, Jake decides to mess with me by tripping me up. I land on the floor with a throbbing head and people glaring at me, and laughing. I sit up and out a hand to my head, feeling blood trickled down my cheek.
"Umm, umm, umm" Jake mimics me in class, "Y-Yes sir!" Everyone laughs and i begin to cry. It was about five minutes later when i could actually walk out of school. Everyone had already ran out.
"What did he say about humans again.." I thought aloud, "They use us for.. Sex, money and.. Slaves. They Also um.. Make it fun for them bet getting pleasure out of it right."

"who told you that?" The boy from this morning asked from behind me. I schreech and run behind a nearby tree. As if that'll help me sneak away.. I sigh to myself

"Hey, come on, I'm not a bad guy." he chuckled. I looked up at him a blush a bright red, "b-but.." I stuttered.
"I have to go, ok? I-it was nice.. Umm.. Talking with you." I stare for a moment.
"Hey, do you want me to meet you here tomorrow morning to scare off those asshole for you?"
"Sorry.. I didn't move, did i?" I buckle, "but.. Yes, it would be nice if you where there. It's a shame you're not an- in my school, i mean."
He nods i. reply, "Great. I'll see you tomorrow."
He pivots and leaves, and i began my journey back to my tree house. Didn't you know? Elves live in tree house which are securely camouflaged so no one can find us. Not humans, not air creatures or water creatures. Just us. Our race.

A/N as the description says, i'm writing on top of writers block. Haha.  Right, I'll see you you in the second chapter. For now, Goodbye!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2017 ⏰

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