This story all starts with a big dream.So one day Hailey fell a sleep and she had the best dream! So as I tell this story do not forget that it is a dream!! So to start the story lets picture that she had just went to sleep. Now she is started to dream and it started out kinda wrong Hailey and her best friends Ashlynn,Maddie,MaKayla,and Kenadie were all going on spring brake to LosVagus and they were staying in the grandest hotel they could find.That is when it all went wrong we found one direction and we are all in love with one direction!!! Well they were going to stay for spring brake also! But then the man behind the counter told then they were out of rooms so they would have to leave if they could not find someone to room with. They we all said they could stay with us and we were all picking who would stay in are rooms.We got done and this is how it was Hailey had Zane Maddie had Louie Ashlynn had Niall, MaKayla had Harry And I Had Liam<3!! but After all of that we all went to the indoor bar and we all ordered bears but Harry, Makayla they ordered punch. We all laughed as they said r
That they would fill better than us in the morning. But we did not lists on when they told us we had to muck to drank. So we were all getting ready to go back to the rooms when I looked back and Harry,Liam,and Zane were all gathered in a huddle when I herd Harry yell out "I do not have any packed in my bag can I get one from you?" then I here Liam say are you sure that we should not ask them if they even won't them some people like agin on skin then after I herd that I ran and told the others what I herd and we all said that we would ask them if they were planing to have so fun because we were not ready for that. But after we said that Hailey told Zane that she would play with him if he know what she meant!! Then for the next to days we looked for them and they would not come out there room. Then 3 days before time to leave we fount them they met us at the diner. And we all ate after we all ate we went to the movies and Niall still got pop corn but the rest of us were full.But be four the movie steered we were talking. Then Kenadie asked what they had done for the last couple of days. Then they said that they had to do some things that all the others were screed to do. Then we told t
Her that we were not scare that we just wonted them to Marie us first.So she was the only one to have sex before they were Married. so when they had the wedding she was all ready a mother with one kid so they all lived Happy Ever after!! this is the end for the first on but I will make more stories
Kenadie Hutchens <3