Chapter 25

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Derek POV

The next day I walk downstairs and see Casey making a sandwich for her lunch. "Taking our lunch today." I say. She nods and smiles. "Where is everyone?" I ask. She shrugs. I thought she forgave me. Why the silent treatment? "Case? Are you okay?" I ask. She nods. She wasn't smiling. "What's Lthe matter?" I say. Putting my stuff down and sitting in front of her.

"Nothing." She says. I look at her. Her head is down. I get a quick glance at her cheek. It is bright red. I walk over to her and lift her head up gently.

"Is that from me?" I ask. Looking at a red spot. She nods. I kiss her cheek. "I'm so sorry Casey." I say.

"What am I going to tell them? When they come downstairs. And George and mom when they get up here?" She asks.

"You can tell them it's okay. Even if you didn't they would blame me. I bet." I look at her cheek again. " It wasn't that bad yesterday." I say.

"No it wasn't. It was less red. Only because I iced it down." She states.

"I shouldn't have done it." I say leaning on the counter.

"Derek we went over this." She says.

"I know but you know and I know it's my fault." I say. I hear footsteps coming downstairs.

"Morning guys!" Edwin says. Lizzie came behind him.

"Woof! Woof!" Marti says coming into the room.

"Hey Smarti!" I say picking her up. "Nice outfit! I approve." She always made me happier.

"Derek that's not a good outfit for school. Marti why don't you go upstairs and get out of the dog costume." Casey says. Actting like a mom.

"No!" Marti yells. I look around. Lizzie turns toward Casey.

"OH my god! Casey what happen to your face?" She asks. I do a little round about. Edwin looks at me.

"Nothing I. Fell into a locker. With my face." Casey lies badly. Edwin and I are looking at each other.

"Woof! Woof!" Marti says.

"Marti you really need to go change." Casey says.

"Morning kids!" Dad says coming upstairs. "Marti go change honey you are going to be late." He says.

"NO! I WANT TO BE A DOG!" She yells.

"Smarti. I think you need to go upstairs and change or you will have a visitor." I say getting at eye level with Marti.

"What sort of visit?" She asks.

"A visit from the tickle monster." I say tickling her all the way upstairs. A few moments go by and I come to the top of the stairs. "Du du duh! Marti in normal school cloths!" I say. Everyone claps. I walk downstairs with Marti on my shoulder laughing. "Here you go dad. Go ahead and take Lizzie and Edwin will ya. We are running late. Come on Case!" I says. Walking out the door. We get out to the car.

"But we have tons of time until school." Casey says.

"i know. I needed to talk to you." We were just sitting out in the car and it was silent and the family wasn't around so we could talk. "You didn't have to lie." I start. "I would've took the blame." i say.

"I know but You would have gotten into serious trouble and I didn't want you to miss a date or a game or a party." She says.

"We wouldn't want that to happen would we." I say. I lean in and kiss her. We pull away and head to school.

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