Chapter 27

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Derek POV 

I was at my locker when Sam comes up to me with a black eye. "Listen Derek I know you saved her fine ass but there is no reason to go and take her from me." He says shutting my locker. I look ant him a smirk comes to my face when I see his shiner. 

"Nice eye. And what are you talking about?" I ask. 

"Im talkig about you and Casey riding the hobby horse." Sam says. Hobby horse? Like the word John used to describe sex in the Breakfast Club? Wow Sam! 

"we are not." I say. Which isn't a lie. I have not been able to break the cherry to our relationship but I hope it will break someday.

 "Liar." He says. 

"Everyone is saying you guys are dating. Which makes sence with what ou did in the caf yesterday." Sam looked a bit jeleous. I would say he is jelly. 

"Jealous Sam?" I ask. It sort of made me proud that he was jealous of something that I did.

"No just mad. I can't believe you would do that Derek!" He says.

"Okay first off. I'm not doing anything with Casey." I swallow then countine. "And Second What do you care? I mean I know you think she's a hot peace of ass and would tap that in two seconds if you got the chance but there is no reason to scream and yell at me." I explain.

"Derek  stop lying to me!!" Sam yells.

"I'm not lying alright and if your just going to yell at me get away from me." I say.

"Fine." Sam says then he walks away.

"Stupid goddamn bastard." I mutter under my breath.

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