Chapter 1

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I decided to post this after all! Only this isn't going to be a reader insert like my other one. This will probably be longer than that one so it's easier for me to write myself in for it.

Takes place in-between "Murder on Campus" and "Rorschach Reaper" 

Forgot to mention that "Never Would I Ever" takes place after the Crimson Order was defeated, King is still dead, and the player never left for Pacific Bay. It's more or less a few months after the final case in Grimsborough. 

Murder in the Classroom

Chapter 1 -

It was about 11:22 A.M. when Chief King called Jones and I into his office for a new case.

"Inspector Lexi, Jones." King said as we walked into his office. "I have a new case for you." He looked down as he said this.

"What is it?" Jones questioned, raising a eyebrow.

"A 15 year old sophomore was found dead in a classroom at Rosalina High School." King said, sadly.

"Huh. I graduated from there." I say, without thinking.

"So you know the layout?" King asked and I nodded. I should remember the layout just fine despite it being about 10 years. "Good. Now leave and head to the crime scene."

"Okay." I nodded and headed out with Jones following close behind me.

"You went to a private school? You think any teachers you had are still there?" Jones asked as we walked out the main doors.

"I don't know. Maybe." I shrugged, "I went to a private school all my life. Excluding college that is."

"Huh. I'd gone to public school all of mine. Funny how our high schools are rivals in football." Jones grinned as we got into a police car.

"Yeah but you gotta admit, Rosalina is better at football than Grimsborough High School." I chuckled.

"Yeah...yeah." Jones rolled his eyes as he turned the car on.

"Though I am curious to know how much it changed over the last 10 years. I'm friends with them on Friendnet and I know I've seen pictures of the renovations they've done to the classrooms over the years." I said once we pulled out of the parking lot.

"But the layout shouldn't of changed much." Jones said.

"It shouldn't of." I replied. "But who knows."

"I wonder how this kid died." Jones said, sadly and breaking the minute long silence.

"I hope it was a accident but Hell knows it probably wasn't." I frowned.

"Yeah. But how could someone kill someone in the middle of a school day and in a classroom for that matter?" Jones questioned.

"Could've been during the teacher's free period. But I'm pretty sure they are suppose to lock their doors whenever they leave the room. Even for a few minutes. So this kid and someone else somehow got into it." I said, looking out the window.

"We'll definitely have to talk to the teacher of that room." Jones said. "And find out where they were at the time."

"Agreed." I nodded. "And probably the principal or a few friends of the victim too."

After about 10 minutes, we arrived at the High School. A teacher that was outside led us up to the third floor and to the room where the possible murder took place in.

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