Mind for mind

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My hands were trembling uncontrollably as I realized what I had done; it had all happened so fast, I didn't even have control of my actions, it was like a rush of anger. I started to sprint as soon as I saw a bundle of cops running towards me, now I knew that I was in serious trouble.


As the sun beat down on my face, my eyes shot open, I swung my legs off my bed and started to dress. My reflection in my mirror told me that today I would start fresh, for I had moved to a different country to attend high school. As soon as I was dressed and ready I stood in front of the front door to my house and took a deep breath before turning the knob.

There were a few people waiting at the bus stop and the few streaks of light had started to shine down when a group of 3 had come my way. There was one girl she was short, fat, had wavy black hair, and cherry red pimples invading her face. The second was a guy he was blond, had a normal height, was surprisingly good looking, and muscular. The third too was a guy he had straight brown hair, was tall, skinny, and his skin was slightly tan. The girl approached me first and asked me what my name was, I hesitated before answering"um......my name?....it's.... I mean ....." I took a deep breath feeling very embarrassed, and answered clearly."... My name is Lucy , what's your name?" I responded with pride for being able to answer her question. "My name is Michelle, the guy with the curly hair is my brother Marco, and the blond dude is my neighbor Wyatt." She ended her sentence with a smile that made her crooked teeth and red gums highly noticeable.

Michelle opened her mouth as if to say something but was cut off by the loud screeching sounds of tire against rubble. The sound was so excruciating, I believed that my ears were oozing out blood and were about to explode. I quickly glanced around and noticed that every person near or at the bus stop was covering their ears and closing their eyes, I tried to find Michelle in between the crowd but my search was interrupted by someone tugging impatiently at my shirt. It was Michelle! She started to do these weird hand motions that made me wonder if she was alright, she soon figured out that her signs were useless and rapidly dragged and pulled me away from the bus stop, and away from the unbearable noise. Although the terrible noise was hardly noticeable here, Michelle nearly exclaimed in my ear" Lucy we need to get out of here and fast! My brother and Wyatt are on their way!". Then, when Marco and Wyatt came into view she started sprinting and telling me to run after her. As we were running, a hint of yellow caught my eye, it was the bus. Now I started to pick up my pace, the bus was getting on our heels and I don't know why.

We were no match for the bus and I started to notice fresh water droplets staining the ground, to my surprise they were Michelle's , the tears were slowly dripping down face. As she slowly turned to face me and the boys, she whispered"It's gonna happen again, there's no escape and no use in trying."

Ok now tell me what the fuck is happening! Why is this happen-but my thought was cut off by a pair of black rubber gloves shoving a Kleenex soaked in who knows what towards my nose. I kicked and struggled to stay awake but everything was soon a blur and turned pitch black.

An unbearable searing pain in my head brought me back. It took a while for me to be able to sit up, but when I did, I found myself to be sitting in a bus in the middle of what appeared to be a desert. Michelle was still asleep locked in an old rusty cage, as were Marco and Wyatt. I wonder why. Some people-looking half dead-surrounded me, most of them I recognized from the bus stop.

Slowly rising-afraid that a single squeak or gesture could mean death-I peaked out the windows getting a clear view for the first time.

Terror arose in me as I saw no roads in view, but instead saw a huge fence reaching out to the sky adorned with thorns and spikes. It's impossible to escape by that fence, and all the dirt and sand was replaced by thick concrete blocking an escape from under. Now this is an impossible mission, starting with the jammed bus exits.

The screams and shrieks of terrified people slowly started to fill the quiet air. I'll wait a few minutes to let the people get it all out and then I'll tell them about our location and impossible escape. After informing the people, most started crying and others started screaming for help-something I find useless since we are in the middle of nowhere and there is no other human being within days. I lost my strength and found myself kneeling on the floor and crying when I suddenly realized that Michelle and the boys were awake and totally relaxed.

"I don't know how they found us",Michelle said out of nowhere. I was about to ask her"who?", but before I could, I remembered something that Michelle had said earlier,"It's gonna happen again, there's no escape and no use in trying". So instead of asking her "who?", I asked her what she meant when she had said that. She stiffened for a moment, and as if it had hit her, she immediately answered. "It was two years ago",she commenced,"..in the city of Chicago, me and my brother and his friend were just walking, we had just come out of the movies, we didn't know this was going to happen,we would have never have suspected it.",she broke into tears, but I urged her to go on, and so she did."..A car approached us and asked if we wanted a ride, he said that he knew my parents and would take us home. So we agreed-and that was the biggest mistake that I had ever done, and the most regretful.

When we arrived home everything seemed normal, even the part when the guy parked his car in our drive way and opened the front door to our house. He led us all in-the house was pitch black, not even the outlines of furniture were in sight- and slammed the door shut. Shudders went down my spine as I heard the click of the door being locked. Yelps and screams were being echoed in the empty walls of the house-mostly mine. The guy chuckled as if to enjoy our terrified screams, and seemed to navigate perfectly in the everlasting maze of darkness because soon Wyatt was pleading for help. After a few screams of pain from Wyatt, there was a dead silence that hung in the air. Just after two minutes, I heard Marco yell in pain, but his scream was distant-which I did not like. I was scared, I'm the only one left, I'm gonna fucken die!!!! Sobbing, I tried to find my way to the door, maybe I still had time to escape. My stupid ass eyesight did not want to adjust, terror arose in me and I could feel my hair starting to rise-goosebumps formed in my skin-as I felt two large hands yank my hair back. I yelped in pain, I think he plucked some strands of hair out cause it hurt painfully. Soon, I felt his fist brutally connect with my jaw-another scream. How can no one hear, I'm yelling, and two other kids have screamed too, I doubt that people can't hear that. The man grabbed me by the shoulders and started shaking me-as if I had to have passed out a minute ago- and hurled me toward the pointy edge of the coffee table:( that's not good. I let out the longest loudest scream I could( like those screams that u do when ure about to be murdered or when you get the shit scared out of you)before the edge plunged into my stomach and hip. "I hope someone heard" was the last thought I had before the searing pain registered deep in me and I collapsed to the ground unconscious.

I awoke to be surrounded in what we are in now, a desert." She ended as If the air was knocked out of her. She started to cry, tears sliding down her cheeks and slimy mucus started to race out of her nose as she started to sniff it back in. Just like a little kid I pleaded for more, I was eager to know what happened next not caring how much it hurt her to relive that horror.

She took a few deep breaths, shoved her bangs away from her eyes and took off from where she left off."So it was a desert, just like here. I looked around confused as to where I was until I spotted Wyatt and Marco in the far end corner. Their hands where tied to animal cages, but mine weren't. Instead, my feet were locked to a cage with a bicycle chain. I attempted many words and numbers but none seemed to open the lock. I looked up in desperation, and stumbled -causing the chain to choke my foot -when I saw huge words written in a dark red:YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO THE HUMAN-RACE.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2014 ⏰

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