Napalm Old Man Erik

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Chapter 1

Time, has passed the 2nd apocalypse is over I am 30 years old now. Things were finally getting better in the world I stopped ross, I have kids. It has been 3 years, I still live in a deserted town, but... Ross came back. He threatened my family, So I'm back, with a to-kill list. my first target LazerFire "Alright kids I gotta go Bye Erik jr. bye levi, bye gaetono III" Erik said as he left the house he reached into his pocket and pulled out his guns. He made his target think Ross wanted him there so he just quietly went through the back door of the café which was where he was supposed to meet his target. Then, he slid under the table kicked up the table shot through the wood and into lazerfire's head. Erik stands over the dead target The wind pushing his hair sideways his beard glowing gold

Chapter 2

My next target: Firestorm He usually hangs out at the cave of wisdom which is easy to find, it has a big sign on it that says "Cave of Wisdom, Free Wifi" "Well I think I may need to power up to fight this guy." Erik said He planted his feet into his stance as he powered up.

Gotta love those time skips like 1 minute later

FireStorm walks out "ya know you are very loud when you do that " he says as erik uses the electricity pulsating within him to form a ball and launch it at Firestorm as he misses and Firestorm says "You seem a little rusty at this" "that's because I am" Erik said. He then takes his hands forms 2 medium sized energy balls then combines them into 1 huge energy ball and launches it, Firestorm however is still alive in his tattered armor. Erik powers down, pulls out a gun and says "I'm a simple man and will alow you a simple death" And he shoots him


"Well I think we should take the 'extreme measures' we talked about, Nick." Ross said "We have the girl so go get the children." "yes sir" Nick said "now GET THEM NOW, NICK!" "yes Ross" nick said. Nick walks up to the house and accidentaly steps on a twig making a crunch sound gaetono III and Erik Jr. are the first to hear it. "Did you here that?" Erik Jr. asked as gaetono III loaded his shotgun. CH-CHUCK. Then, Nick walks in stakes the shotgun Gaetono Runs up, punching Nick over and over again until... BANG! "GUY!" Erik Jr. yells as he starts trying to punch nick but gets a metal hand to his face. " My dad... Ngggh... Is going... to... Nggghhh... kick...your ass"

Meanwhile back to the previous unspecified location

BANG! Erik hears the gun shots the first thing that comes to mind is the kids he gets there "guy" he says eyes wide looking at the gaping hole in gaetono's chest. "d-dad" gaetono III says. "son" Erik says  "I never once hugged you. I never said 'I love you' . I never..." his words trailed off this was a terrible sight for Erik the baby of the family... dead. "son" Erik said again his voice cracking with him starting to cry "I love you... son" "dad" gaetono III said "I'll tell Uncle James and Grandma Anita h-" Gaetono III's words trail off as he takes his final breath and dies in his father's arms. "I'll kill them all of them especially you Nick!" Erik says as he lays his son's corpse on the floor crying "I'll...Kill-" Erik's words stop as he cries uncontrollably over his son.

Chapter 3

Erik is clutching his son's corpse as if his love for his son his warmth his hug would bring his son back it didn't work there's no way... "Computer, Call Jon." Erik said barely able to keep his composure still wiping away the tears. "What do you want?" Jon asked as a holo-image of him appeared on Erik's monitor "What's wrong with you, you look like someone's pug just died?" Jon asked "Not pug, my son" Erik's words trailed off into silence and after an awkward pause Jon spoke up "What do you want?" he asked. "I want, an MX4 battle mech, all your guns, a godkiller gun, and subject 29." Erik said "Subject 29!?" Jon asked "Are you sure, because you when you have it are extremely unstable and it's almost fully bonded to your DNA. Please Erik, reconsider we both don't  want  your family to see that side of you." Jon said "Well that's not me it's subject 29. We caught it 1 year ago surely you have research, Jon." Erik asked "Well Erik, we have research but everything it made you do every time you put it on was already a thought it doesn't just make you more violent. It brings out things you want to do, but are too afraid to do it. Also, it will make you violent because you are angry it will make you kill because you want to kill. Not because you think you don't." Jon said  "JON I DON'T CARE!" Erik shouted "Listen Erik, as the scientist here I have to advise you not to do that it will bond to you permanently. It could make you kill the rest of your family NOBODY CAN CONTROL IT!" Jon yelled "I HAVE CONTROLLED IT!!!!" "Just give it to me Jon!" Erik yelled stopping Jon from his argument. "FINE! what coordinates do you want me to ship it to!" Jon asked "ship the MX4 the guns and subject 29 to ross' main lab. Put the rest in his clone lab and some gasoline and a match there as well." Erik said.


Erik walked up to the lab before the things arrived and with just his bare hands ran up to them slid and as lasers were firing past him. he ran up to one of them ripped there arm off and proceeded to beat the man to death with his own arm. It's a good thing they suck at shooting. He then looked up and saw  the guns. Then, he grabbed them and shot the automatic weapon over and over until all the guards dropped dead. Then, he saw the mech was landing. He got in it and shot a few missiles into the wall shattering it. he got out with the full satchel of guns into the room with Nick, Ross, and Jonny. "How Dare You-" Ross said before Erik ripped his jaw off, and threw a gun to nick "Now, Nick instead of killing you... for now I'll present you with a choice shoot Jonny the girl you love, or I kill her, Ross than you" Erik said as he leveled his own gun at the 3 of  them "You think I'm messed up, you think I'm crazy right? Well, you shouldn't have killed my son. I would've let you all live, but you idiots decided to do THIS!" Erik said "You know for good measure I'm going to kill one of them right now so... which one will it be?" Erik asked "But, we could kill your family." Nick said "I could just go to your cloning facilities and kill you over and over an infinite amount of times

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2017 ⏰

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