I might reveal...

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I'm at my nana's at the moment and I'm gunna be left alone for like an hour but it don't matter cause i'll just type out stufff.... about... stuff.......

Why can't people just mind there own buisness?!! I mean honestly... if I am really hyper then really deppressed and just feel worthless then thats just me! and my eating habits? there no-ones buisness either!! and I haven't lost THAT much weight...

It might take a while to realise why i'm so fucked up but I might type it sometime and I don't know how many people are gunna read this.... I guess it might help to let it all out....

But I dunno..... I guess I'm just scared! of what you may ask, well of letting my feelings out! of being diagnossed, people are worried, I act like my dad, allways hiding my feelings, having a sheld, a bulletproof sheld, I hope and dream; that maybe some day I will fall in love, see I've allways been a dreamer! but I've also allways been a spolt bitch and that showed in year 3 very well!! I carry guilt around with me; everywhere I go, It's ike it's following me and It just won't go away and what guilt you may ask,It's nothing big! like, like, like.... I dunno, it's just I feel awful! she said everythings good and she doesn't mind but I still feel awful! and I can't shake the feeling, It sometimes goes away; like  for an hour, week, even a month once but in the end it allways comes back!

Lately I've been getting sick! I'll go to school but I still feel like shit! luckely it's the easter holidays! but, again; feel like shit! I ignore it! try and get over it, I have happy moods but then - in a heartbeat - my mood changes to; guilty, depressed, irritated and just pissed off with everyone and anyone!, I'm allways confused! I'm probually what you'd call a dumb blonde but the thing is I'm a brunette! Dumb brunette, doesn't have the same ring to it does it? no that's what I thought

I can't spell to save my life and I used to be really good a reading and 'big words' but it's getting more difficult and I'm no good at Maths either, It seems I'm only good at Science and Geography - achidemicly - but I'm top in the class  at Musc and I'm okay at Drama ( I used to go to a private school where you had to take exams at Drama all the time! but that's only for people who are good at Drama and My old Drama teacher thought I was really good and I should carry on in my new school but I got rubbish (well that's what I think anyway!) so yeahh...) and I'm okay at Dance.... (one of the top in the class BUT my class isn't good at Dance...) so I guess I'm not an academic studant ( I am really supprised I spelt them words right!! I usually have to go onto google to spell words...)

I know this might sound really weird but I THINK I have a phobia of fullstops! yes, okay go on laugh but I'm serious, I allways use commas or more that one fullstop, It's weird cause I don't like fullstops on there ovn but if there's more than one then I'm fine! if someone sends me a fullstop I won't talk to them untll they say sorry and give me a hug (lol)

I'm not sure how uch I've written but I think it might be alot so I'm gunna go now,


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