Draco, afraid.

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This one-shot takes place just before Draco has to kill Dumbledore.

Fear is not something you choose, it is something that consumes you out of nowhere

You and Draco have been friends for a long time now, it had started the first day at Hogwarts. You first shared a glance with him when you were being sorted, he was already seated at the slytherin table, watching the remaining students being sorted. When your name was called, he looked up, you weren't sure why, but he did. The sorting hat immidiately knew where to put you, in slytherin, for your personality matched it like none other. You were a very mean person, to those you disliked. You could be very loving, to those you liked. Luckily for him, Draco was one of the people to be able to call you his friend. Ever since that day, you two were very close friends, and you enjoyed every minute of it.

Now, things were a bit different.

When Draco became a death eater, he changed. He changed a lot. The once kind and confident boy was now an emotional wreck. He wouldn't let anyone come close anymore, not even you. You had tried everything. You tried talking to him, holding him, bringing him gifts, taking him to nice and calm places, but he wouldn't talk to you. You always got the same reply, over and over again.

"You wouldn't understand how I feel..."

He kept repeating this to you, every time again. For others, he was a heartless monster. For you, he was destroyed on the inside. You didn't understand how nobody could have noticed. People should have seen it! They should have helped him! But nobody ever said a word. One day, you finally got enough of it.

Things had to change.


You were seated at the long table, breakfast on your plate. But you weren't eating though. You still couldn't believe what you had done. You were prepared to do a lot for Draco, he is and will always be your best friend. But this, you didn't expect from yourself.
Two days ago, when it was still break, you were sitting at home. You had sent yet another letter to Draco. You knew he wouldn't respond, but you hoped that you could ease his pain by letting him know that you were still there for him.

Dear Draco,

I know it's hard for you, being a death eater. And I know that you will never talk to me again unless I could feel the same. I want to be there for you, like you were there for me our entire time at Hogwarts. I am not planning on leaving you, ignoring your clearly visible pain like all the others. But I am also not planning on continuing to watch from a distance how you destroy yourself further. I have decided, that the only option for us to be the same again, is to become like you. I doubt you will even read this, but know that you cannot stop me from going to the dark lord. Know that I am doing this for you, and only you.

Love, Y/n

Your owl flew out of the window, delivering the message to him. You slowly got up from your bed, walking over to your mirror and then looking at your reflexion. You were wearing a long, dark blue dress with long sleeves. It tightened around your waist and from there it went loosely around your legs. With the dress, you were wearing black heels. Your hair was put up in a ponytail. You sighed and walked downstairs, ready to change your life.

"Honey, where are you going? The party is this way." Your father spoke, emerging from the livingroom. Your parents were hosting some birthday party for your nephew. "Good evening, father. A friend of mine requested my presence, I must leave now, for it is quite an emergency." You were always polite to your parents, for they had raised you like that. "Who requests your presence at this hour? Can you not go tomorrow?" He asks, the suspicion clearly written on his face. "Do not worry, father. I am not doing anything that I shouldn't. It's Pansy, she is having trouble with important homework. Seeing that the break is almost over, she asked me to help her study, so she can pass the test."
Lying to your father felt bad, you never lied, so you knew he wouldn't expect it.
"Very well, make sure you will be back before 2 am." He finally replies, giving you a nod. "Thank you, father."

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