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        Two Sorcerers were silently entering Davao City, where a giant beast rests at the bottom of the sea. The first Sorcerer wore a black jacket, black bandanna, black pants, shades, and black boots. The latter wore a white jacket, white bandanna, white pants, white Ray-Bans, and white boots. Both were on a red motorcycle, where the Sorcerer in black was in front and the Sorcerer in white was behind him. As they passed by a checkpoint, the policeman eyed them suspiciously.

        “What?” The Sorcerer in white’s French accent was noted by the policeman. “We’re foreigners. And we don’t have drugs.”

        With that, the policeman nodded and gestured them to leave the checkpoint. When the Sorcerers were far away from the checkpoint, they laughed like hyenas.

        “Jeez,” the Sorcerer in black said in an American accent. The sorcerers love changing accents to fool people. “You don’t need to say unnecessary things.” Then, a car nearly bumped their vehicle. The motorcycle swerved and came to a stop. “Watch it, you fool!” He yelled at the car.

        “He won’t hear you, man.” The Sorcerer in white said. “Leave it to me.” He took out white gloves and put them on. “Sunog!” He said.

        The car caught fire on the wheels. It looked like those hot wheels with fire on the sides. The two Sorcerers fist bumped each other.

        “Good one.” The Sorcerer in black said. Then, he started the engine again and drove fast. They heard a loud BOOM! as they looked back at the car on fire.

        When they reached a shoreline, the two Sorcerers brushed themselves and hid the vehicle.

        “Itago!” The Sorcerer in black yelled, pointing his finger at the vehicle. Then, the red motorcycle slowly sunk like it was on quicksand. After that, the sand stopped swirling and the motor was nowhere to be found.

        “Hey, Yin!” The Sorcerer in white yelled. “Hurry up!”

        “Coming!” Yin yelled back, running towards the sorcerer in white.

        The two Sorcerers stared at the seashore. Yin took a deep breath and walked on the sand towards the seawater. Then, he started walking on the seawater until he reached an area so far that he could only see a speck of the Sorcerer in white.

        Yang, the Sorcerer in white, could only hear a faint yell from Yin. That was his cue. He leapt and landed on the water, making a big splash. Then he spun his arms around until water twirled around his spinning arms. Yang dashed to Yin.

        “You ready?” Asked Yin, the Sorcerer in black.

        Yang, the Sorcerer in white nodded and thrust his water-covered arms beneath him. The water beneath him spun like a hundred feet-deep whirlpool. The whirlpool had a giant white chunk of rock in the middle.

        That giant white chunk of rock was the head of the giant, thousand-year-old squid-like monster, the Quida.

        “I see something!” Exclaimed Yin.

        “Yeah, me too,” Yang replied. “Well, don’t just stand there, do something!”

        Yin gestured at the rock and chanted, “Bumangon!

        The rock started to rise until it was a twenty-feet-tall squid-like statue. Then it started to move, destroying the whirlpool.

        “Good Lord,” Yang said, grunting. “I can’t hold it any longer.”

        “Maamo!” Yin yelled.

        The Quida stopped moving.

        “Quick, capture it in the bottle!” Yang yelled, sweating beads.

        Yin took out the item he needed most at the moment: a coke in can. Yang stared at him. “What?” Yin asked. “I’m thirsty.”

        With that, he drank the whole can like he hadn’t drunk in months. Then he aimed the empty coke in can at the Quida and yelled, “Ipasok!

        The empty coke in can let out a blast of coke at the Quida. Then it pulled the beast like it was made of steel and the can is the magnet. The monster struggled but the blast was too strong. In moments, the Quida was in the coke in can.

        “Yeba,” Yin said, spinning the can with his index finger.

        Yang calmed down, as well as the whirlpool. He let out a sigh of relief.

        Before Yin could say, Whew, I’m glad we finished this mission, because I’m HUNGRY! , a group of hooded Wizards appeared before them.

        “Well, well, well,” the leader said. He was the only hooded Wizard with a grey mask. “It’s Yin and Yang. What sort of trouble are you Sorcerers up to now?”

        Yin and Yang were both sweating fists. Yin even wet his pants, but he was lucky to be wearing black pants.

        “We were just looking for a coke can.” Yin said, taking out the can. “Oh, here it is!”

        “You make me sick,” the leader said with arms crossed. “Spill the juice. Now.”

        Yang made a silent message to Yin with telepathy. They came up with one spell: Alon.

        Together, they raised their arms and yelled, “Alon!

        Then huge waves formed, knocking out the hooded Wizards.

        “Score!” Yin exclaimed.

        But, the leader and two other hooded Wizards survived and attacked them. “Tatsulok!” They yelled in chorus. It was a forbidden spell.

        A giant triangle out of water blasted the Sorcerers and sent them flying. Lucky for Yang, he could swim. He got up and was standing on the sea again. But as for Yin, the sorcerer in black, couldn’t swim at all. He struggled and cursed but he couldn’t get up. Then Yang pulled him up.

        “This… isn’t… OVER!!!” Yang panted. Yin spat out water and a fish in agreement. Yang pointed at the leader and yelled, “Bomba!

        Then, the area around the leader exploded. The leader of the Wizards stumbled and sunk. But the two hooded Wizards pulled him back up.

        “Kidlat!” The leader yelled. It was one of the most powerful spells in the history of magic. Plus, the attacked is doubled when you’re on water. Then, a strong lighting struck the Sorcerers, electrocuting them until they drowned.

        The Sorcerers were nowhere to be found after the lightning spell. Then, the leader realized something.

        “They used the teleport spell, sir,” a Wizard said.

        “You read my mind,” the leader answered. He went to the place where the Sorcerers were standing.

        “Nothing left,” he noted. “They really did dothe teleport spell.” The leader touched the wound on his shoulder, where the bomb spell hit him. It was bleeding a lot.

        The Wizards’ names were Gothos and Gathos, while the leader’s name was Phoenix Knish, father of Blue Knish.

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⏰ Huling update: Apr 05, 2012 ⏰

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