Hey there! How are you doing today? I'm sorry if it's not going too well. And I'm extra sorry if it's going really badly. If you want to talk about it, then I'm here to listen, and if you don't want to talk then just know that it will get better, and that there is someone out there who cares.
If you're thinking about doing something stupid, don't do it. Trust me. It's not worth it, and if you do it them imagine all you'll miss. Yeah, you will miss the bad stuff but there is so many good things that will be gone too! And not only will you miss some amazing things, but we will all miss you. So don't do it. Please.
If you feel like the world is against you, and you really just want to cry, then cry. You'll feel better, trust me. And if you want, you can cry on my shoulder. I don't mind. Please do in fact. If you need to cry then at least don't cry alone, that makes it so much worse.
If you feel all alone and you feel like no one wants to be your friend, then just come here! I'd love to be your friend! We can talk and joke and cry together. Tell me your problems and I'll tell you mine and you won't have to be alone anymore! And if you're an introvert and you like being alone, then come anyway! We can trade books and I could recommend some good songs!
In any case, please come and talk, or if you don't want to then just remember that I'm here for you and there is someone out there you cares about you and thinks you matter a hell of a lot!
Just so you know! Because if you don't then you really need to. And I'm open any time to talk or listen or just to recommend a good book for you to read if you like! I probably won't answer immediately. Or within the hour. My wattpad never seems to tell me someone's trying to talk to me. But I'm still happy to talk with you anytime!
-Someone Who Cares