First time meeting

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You were walking home from school and you were not payiong attioin to what was in front of you and you bummed into someone. "O my god are you okay?" you asked  as you helped the guy up "I am such a idiot" you yelled as he nods his head  "oh my name is Y/n nice to meet you" you said shly "Dren" he said in a flerty voice thats when you took thge que to leave.


You were out taking a walk exploring the place were appernty a weird natrue event took place. As you took a look around you saw someone injured you raced over to help him out and it was pretty bad so you grabbed out your first aid kit "hold still this is going to hurt alot" you told him as you moved his arm to treat the wound. When you were finsh you took him to your home where he could get proper rest.

Deep blue 

You were ticked off that you had to work the rest of the month so you went into the woods and relsaeded your anger on a tree. While that was happing Deep blue was taking a walk trying to think away to get rid of the mews but something inturbed his thinking so he walked over to the place you were at. You were about to realse anthor blow until someone shouted at you "What the heck are you doing?" The person who looked like a cosplyer asked you "taking out my anger you got a problem with that?" You yelled back but he just left without answering you. 


You were sitting by yourself at river trying to come up with a desinge with a rainbow rock you renctly found and you wanted something that maded look like one of your favorit anime charater jawerly.When you finally got a good skeach you started to walk home but only to bummed into someone and you almost lost the stone to someone that looked like an elf and there were two more of them. You ran for dear life "hey get back here" Tarb yelled but you kept running to the nearest shortcut where you knew you wold lose them and you did.


You were taking a shortcut until you felt like you were in danger so you turned with your pocket knife out ready to attack until you saw a guy who was blond just walking by so you just put it away as he stopped in front letting you know that he gonna walk you home and you follwed him.


You were at a store to get some more tea for your own cafe and for the fundrasier that was coming up. You found one of favorit tea whic

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