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"Please ... Why is everything so dark ...?"

What ... What happened to the sun? ... How ...? That I what?...

-Niko! Get up! You'll be late for school !!

-Mama? ... I'm coming! ...

Yes, once again that dream, but each time was clearer, I was a little afraid that a sun was extinguished, is all I remember, every night, is the same dream and I have not been able to sleep well for some time a few days, mama is worrying because I always end up waking up and running to her bed, I was afraid.

-I'm sorry I woke you up, but it's late to go to school, did you sleep well at last?

-No, that dream came back, and I'm afraid it's scary ... Mama, I'm afraid

Embrace Mom, almost always, I was in another place that was not my home, I was alone.

-Already, my child, they are only dreams, think beautiful things so that you dream beautiful things

Mama always told me that, what I thought about was her, since she was the happiest person I could be.

-Besides, so that you do not feel bad, I'll prepare your favorite food


I really love pancakes, especially Mama ones.

-Well, you have to go, I do not want you to be late.

-OK Mom! I'll be a good kid as always!

-That is my son, strong and bold, have a good day.

Mama gave me a kiss as usual every morning, and just in time I went out with my supplies and reached the school bus ... How I detested that.

Well, the worst thing began when I got into the bus, all the other guys made me look bad or made fun of me ... The reason? ... Easy, my Eyes.

Yes, we have big eyes, almost like a cat's, yet they are white, compared to mine ... They were yellow, they looked like two big lamps, and if that was my nickname of mockery, lamp. I did not like it at first, it was more, I hated it, but over time, I was overcoming it and now I did not care, just as it was still annoying that they were constant with their annoyance. I finally found a place to sit, almost at the end, but at least I could not hear the mockery.

The good thing that when I got to school, I kept a little distance, at least to avoid the ridicule. The teachers saw me and wondered why he did not talk to almost anyone, he was quite quiet.

Just like this day; It was my day to day, constantly, and always beginning the day with that strange dream ... Although, every night, before bed or sometimes before that, I searched in books or on the internet, things like robots and on suns, that Was what I constantly saw in my dreams, well ... I only found the management of computers but ... I never really understood.

Well, likewise, the days pass, the dream continues and I still can not sleep well.

The winter season was about to begin, and the temperature was beginning to drop. Mama hated to see me cold, and this time she had done something to shelter me.

-Niko, look what I've done to you

- Huh? Wow! Cute!

It was a brown jacket, it was ... Long enough it looked like a dress and the sleeves covered my hands, but I loved it the same way

-And this so that I'll agree.

-Hey! Mom!

It was a hat with what seemed to have a decoration of cat ears, that, with my eyes and the hair that we have the people around here, could seriously confuse me with a cat.

-It is very cute! Thank you Mami!

-There's still something missing ...

It was a blue scarf, it was very long and very soft

-Mama, how beautiful everything.

-I hope you wear those clothes a lot, it's hot, but it's also pretty cool ...Niko, before you go to sleep, promise me that if you get to be in that dream, you'll come to the end of it ... And remember, for more than just that you feel, remember that I'll always be waiting for you ... These garments are your armor ...


-Look, it's almost time for school, it seems like you're early.

Mama always supported me when I was afraid, and I wanted that dream did not stop me, so yes, I was going to go against that night

The transport arrived, and he arrived at school, the others did not want to bother about my suit, as he thought, they said he looked like a cat, but as always, he did not know.

The worst came later ...

At the time of departure, a terrible storm had unleashed in the village, the worst thing is that the storm began when we were already in the transport, many of us were afraid ... And from the rain, the roads were very smooth, We could not stop, the driver tried, well ... We managed to stop but abruptly, many of us fell out of the seat, including myself, it was dangerous to stay in the transport so many of us risked running to our homes, how good that mine was something Close, so I did not have to run too much.

But anyway, in the rain I started to run to get home, my hat kept me from getting so much rain, but to go so fast I slipped and fell,

-No, the suit that gave me mom, dirty it ... I will have to tell you that it was an accident

I got up, grabbed my hat that had fallen, and continue, finally get home, in an alley that was there was my house, had to go through several parts before accessing it, I finally saw the lattice around the house , but...

-What? ... Mom ... Mom! Where are you?


I leave a note ... "I left by emergency, please use the room behind the house, you will be safe from any storm.


-... I have not been to that room for a long time ... Mama says not to go there if it is not for emergency ... And this seems to be ...

Pass one of the trellises to the other side, that room was an extra that was in our house, as a guest, but it was old, and we did not have much to fix it, so we used the shelter ...

Get her in through a window ... The room as I remembered it last time ... A bookcase, a computer, the bathroom on the right hand side ... And the bed next to the bathroom door ...

"I suppose ..." I yawn "I can wait for Mom here, I think I'll sleep here ..."

I got into bed, I was cold, that fall made me lose heat, the dream I had overcame me and I fell asleep ...





When I woke up ... The room looked darker ...


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