The flip

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As I finally snap out of my trance I realize that the tour group and I are in a empty, stark white room that had the metallic smell of electricity, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up. With my nerves on edge I look around the room, trying to find something to break this horrendous whiteness, the only thing I could see besides that painful white was a large open doorway. 

After starring at the door I realized that the doorway was a deep and lulling black. I tried to rip my eyes away from the door and found I couldn't do it. Black spots started popping up in my field of vision, their numbers ever increasing.  As my vision faded completely, black was all I could see, I realized I couldn't move, panic rose in my chest, which made me feel like I was suffocating, which in turn made the panic even worse. Then the pain started, excruciating and consuming pain. It started in the nerves near my feet and gradually made its way up along my spine. As it went along it,  the pain gradually increased in magnitude. The moment the pain hit my head, the blackness turned inwards, ripping at my consciousness, hitting the floor hard, I passed out.

I awoke on a white bed in what looked like the hospital wing in the time building. I looked around and found a couple people staring at a distance. A doctor walked past me and ushered them out. After they were out the doctor turned around and walked back to the table I was on. As he sat down next to me he started to explain what happened. "I see you've regained consciousness." "What happened?" "You passed out, and I can't figure out why you passed out. Can you tell me the last thing you remember." I thought back to the box I'd touched. Better keep that a secret. "I was thinking during the tour and so don't remember too much but after that, I started to pay attention and walked into that room and saw black spots. That's all I remember." I recalled feeling guilty from lying. "Well you need to stay in bed a bit longer but it's almost five so we need to transfer you to a flip bed." While he said this another doctor wheeled in another bed. This one had it so the bed was on a turning object so when the flip was made the patient would always face away from the gravity. Weakly I was helped up and put in the new bed. They strapped me in and wheeled me to an open and spacious room with no roof. "You ready cam?" The doctor inquired. "Yes." I replied, "Oh and by the way, my name is Dr. Whev." He told me. Suddenly I felt a tugging in my stomach. Suddenly everything was upside down. But the bed flipped so I was looking at the floor while I was rising. The floor was getting further and further away. Dadunk. The of noise the bed made when I touched the ground. The flip was really scary but the had me on a muscle relaxant so I didn't feel different. I found myself looking up at the other planet. Suddenly I was standing on the ground by the bed. The straps never were undone. I collapsed to the ground I couldn't move at all. What was going on? I screamed, in my bed, I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and started to fade into unconsciousness... Again... The last thing I remembered was large coarse hands hoisting my limp body up roughly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2018 ⏰

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