chapter 1: the arrival

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Hi everyone ! I'm just leaving here some indications on the story. When you discover all the characters of this story, I'll publish a chapter with all of them.

Cinder: main character.

Spencer: 18. Cinder's older brother.

Mike: 12. Cinder's younger brother.

Olivia: 8. Cinder's younger sister.

Good reading ;-)


Walking to my end. A backpack on my shoulders and a suitcase in my hands, to discover a new life. Spencer, my older brother, is carrying my other bag. He's the one that brought me here because my parents couldn't. As I'm heading towards the entrance, I hear him calling me.

"-Are you sure you're gonna be okay?"
I look at what seems to be my new school. Old buildings with decorations like monuments in Paris. The playgroud in the center is surrounded by buildings. Only one door to escape this prison. But why prison? Why there? And why me? Let me explain.

My name is Cinder I'm almost 15. I am going back to school after two monhs of holidays in this new internship. Or should I say old... It looks like some old haunted place. The new part is me : I'm a new student. I was transferred from a public school in this "superior" school, the St Mary Daniela internship, one of the most prestigious school in America. My parents always wanted to send me in one of those schools due to the fact that I have good grades but never did because it is way too expensive for us. I say "is" because we still can't afford it: I got a scolarship. You're probably thinking I'm lucky... But trust me, I'd rather be anyhere but here. I wish I could go back to my old school... Start it all over...

"-Cinder? Cind? Are you alright ?

-Um... Yeah...

-do you want me to come with you? I know you're disappointed mum and dad didn't come, but you know they did the right thing...

- You think I'm going to miss them? No way ! This summer was so awkward, I don't think I could've stand them every day of the year...

-So you're glad to be in a boarding school in where you'll be able to escape only for holidays?

- I'm not locked inside, I saw on their website that we could go out on our freetime and on weekends. Besides, I'm not happy to go here ! I'm going to miss all of you. I wish I could see Mike and Olivia one last time, but they're at school... You're the only one who hasn't started school yet !

-Um... Yeah, right...

-what's that "um"?


- Don't you lie to me ! You say this only when you're lying ! You're starting school tomorrow, aren't you? You promised mum and dad you'd stop skipping classes !

-Don't worry, I'm not skipping classes. It's... Complicated. Just focus on you, okay? Don't worry about me.


-No buts. This school is when you're going to live for the three folloxwing years, you don't want to mess it all, do you?"

I hate to admit it, but Spencer is right. These three years are going to be my new start, new school, new friends, new home, new life. I have to make friends, become popular and adapt myself. I don't want to ruin it because of my weirdness ! This day has to be perfect so that the three following years are going to be perfect. I just wish my brother Mike and my sister Olivia would be there to say me goddbye...

"-I'm okay. This is going to be the best day ever."


Hi everyone ! So here it is, the first chapter of my story ! For mow there isn't that much mystery but don't worry, it's just the beginning!!! I hope you liked this first part, please tell me is you have any feedback for me, positive or negative!!! xoxo ;-)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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