15. The awkward meal

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I was stood in front of my wardrobe deciding what to wear. Adam had said we were going somewhere nice so I had to make a bit of an effort. I pulled out a dress and put it on, dressing it down a bit with a denim jacket and boots. I looked in the mirror and added a bit more eyeliner and clipped back my growing side fringe.

I put a bag together grabbing my phone, purse and keys as usual and sat on my bed, nervously waiting for Adam to show up.

He picked me up and we were driving around, not making much conversation in the car. Bloody hell this was awkward. I kept guessing where we were going, but had no clues. Then we came to a car park and I realised where we were going. Prezzo’s. Really? He called it somewhere nice, I mean Prezzo’s is okay but I thought maybe somewhere a bit nicer than that.

We walked inside and got escorted to our table, when I saw Adam waving at someone. I followed his eyes and noticed Dan and the rest of the band sat at a table a couple of tables down. Oh my god this couldn’t be any worse. Dan looked so shocked and I don’t want to be big-headed, but a bit upset. I don’t know why, he knew the situation.

"Do you fancy sitting with them? You can get to know the boys a bit better?"

Oh no no no I can't actually deal with this. "Ummmm. I would rather it just be me and you if that's okay?"

"Ah yeah I've got you." And he gave me a smile that I thought was just creepy.

I sat down at the table we had been given and the waiter asked for our drinks orders,

"Just tap water for us both please." Adam replied. Jesus was I not even allowed a coke or anything?

The waiter nodded and walked off and then Adam did yet another rude thing. Without even excusing himself, he walked over to the band and started talking to him, leaving me on my own for at least 5 minutes. Not exactly the sort of thing to do on a date.

I was sat at the table and noticed that I was facing Dan and could see him staring at me throughout the whole of Adam's conversation with them. He did actually look upset, bollocks. Maybe he did like me more than I thought he did?

Adam came back and sat down, not mentioning about the last 5 minutes or apologising. That pissed me off. Conversation between me and Adam was alright, but not exactly thrilling.

I told Adam honestly that I wasn’t looking for anything serious to happen between us and he gave me a little smile. That kind of crushed me, seeing him upset but I didn’t want to lie to him. Why have I just managed to upset the two guys I like?

Towards the end of the meal I realised that I was paying more attention to Dan than to Adam and had been staring at him like he had been staring at me. That was kind of a clue as to who I prefer, but I don't know if Adam was just having an off day or something.

Dan and the others left before us, coming up to our table to say bye before they left. Dan looked really nervous stood by the table and was making it totally obvious something had happened between us in front of the others. Kyle gave me a little wink as they walked off. I’m going to kill Dan I told him not to tell anyone! I will tell him off tomorrow.

When we finished our meal, Adam really kindly offered to pay but I couldn’t handle that but he literally insisted, shoving the money on the table and pulling me out of the restaurant. Okay that was kind of a gent thing to do I guess, makes up for the tap water and ignoring me thing a bit. We agreed that next time we will split the bill. Urgh god I just accidentally agreed to a next time!

He took me home and walked me to my door, like a gent again, and then there was the awkward moment where I didn’t want him to come in really but I had to invite him in. He politely declined and then gave me a hug saying goodbye. The hug lasted a bit longer than it should of done and as he let go he held my face, gently lifting my chin up so I was facing him. Then he placed a soft kiss on my lips and said goodbye.

Adam what the fuck are you playing at? I told you I didn’t want anything to happen and then you kiss me with your beautiful lips and arghhhh. Today was such a big mistake and I felt awful coming between the two boys.

I would rather have no guys than this! Actually no, what am I saying? I had two gorgeous men willing to go on dates with me. I'm a bloody lucky girl!

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now