note. //

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Hello guys!

I have a few reminders;
Please read this so you can have a hint of what I feel and know as an author.

THIS STORY IS UNDER REVISING. This story supposed to be deleted in the first place, but I don't want my readers to get disappointed so I continued writing the story but as I go, I eventually didn't get the point of the story, like how would I end this? How would I make this story have more drama and comedy? And some more. So instead of deleting this (cause I gave my full effort on this), I stopped updating and bacame hiatus because of personal issues. Hope you understand why I want to revise the story!
THE STORY WILL CHANGE. As I said, this story will be revised so it will have many changes, like the plots, the chapters, the events, the ages and many more.
I-AS AN AUTHOR, DOES NOT NEED A RUDE PATHETHIC READERS. I was bash because of this story.(another reason why I want to delete the story) The "basher" keeps on bragging about how "pathethic" my story is. (well, thats how the basher says it)
IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE STORY, YOU CAN FREELY EXIT. You can go, I don't need readers that just went here just to see if I'm good at writing and bash me.
And PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT ENGLISH ISN'T MY FIRST LANGUAGE. English isn't my mother tongue so you'll see A LOT of typos, grammatical errors and some wrong spellings, I'm completely sorry for that.

Note: Anyways, thank you for the readers that keep on voting, adding the book on there reading list and keep commenting to update, thank you, thank you! You all made my day happy-always~

Forgetting Him // TzuKook FF//Where stories live. Discover now