Life sucks pretty bad right now.
That's all I could manage to think, after my best friend, Maci, told me she was moving. To California.
I have known Maci since we were just little anklebiters, but we didn't become close friends until sixth grade. Since then we've shared so many irreplacable memories and good times. Maci and I are both interested in photography, so over these last couple of years, we've taken thousands of pictures. We take them of ourselves an dother people sometimes, but mainly we like to photograph landscapes.
Anywho, I'm getting off topic, I was on my way to lunch with my family when she told me the gut wrenching news. I knew as soon as she told me that it was her mother and sister who came up with the wicked plot. For the past couple of times I spent the night at her house, her sister would mention getting a fresh start. Well, to be completely honest if I were her, I'd want to move too. I mean, she's never had a decent boyfriend. Plus shes sixteen and she cant drive.
I feel bad for Maci's mom. I mean, she expects Maci to have a good attitude about this whole moving halfway across the country thing, but knowing Maci, that will never happen. She will shut off all emotions and be a robot around people.
Maci isn't the best at making friends. Honestly, shes a really amazing girl, once you get to know her. She just doesnt put herself out there enough. She opened up alot more to people this year, though, and I think she could pull of freshman year pretty well. Not in California, though.
It must be a great place if Christofer Drew wrote a song about it.
I know it sounds terribley cruel and selfish, but I hope Maci's mom doesn't get the house she's looking at.