Class In The Dungeons

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Hermione always thought it was strange to having class near the dungeons. Not only was it too close to the Slytherins dormitory for her comfort but, it was always too dark. The air, too cold and no matter what she wore under her robes, walking down the hall to her potions class would always send shivers up her spine. 

The worst part about having class in the dungeons wasn't even the atmosphere, to be frank. It was the baboon who taught potions who really made Hermione despise coming to class every Tuesday. Profesor Snape was the worst teacher she's ever had. He picked favorites all the time, who always happen to be wearing green and being gits. He hated her for no better reason then she was smart, you'd think a teacher would encourage excelling students but, every time Hermione went to ask for next weeks papers he would turn her away with a sneer. But worst of all he never gave extra credit.

Grades were one of the most important things to Hermione, maybe even above her best friends. She knew the only way to secure your future is to be the best student she could. She prided herself in being the brightest witch of her age and she encouraged Harry and Ron to study alongside her so they might have a future as well but, they seldom accepted her offer. Opting instead to play quittige and fool around breaking curfew. As of late, it was mostly to see a pair of Ravenclaw girls they happened to convince into 'riding their broomsticks.' Disgusting in her opinion. Why they found frolicking off to the nearest empty classroom and having a go that only lasts ten minutes, so enticing was beyond her comprehension. 

No matter what they did behind bed curtains, they still were her best friends and she loved spending time with them. She only wished that they had taken a potions credit this year though since they didn't have this class she would have to wait until dinner to see them again. She told them that having a potion credit your last year looks really good on applications but, harry respectfully told her that if he had to spend one more term in that snake's classroom he would stir the cauldron with his own head. 

So, for now, she walked the corridor alone, hearing her metal heels click the floor after each stride. Nearing Professor Snape's classroom Hermione's eye caught an unusual sight, leaning up against the door frame. 

The blonde hair that adorned his head shined even though there was no sun to reflect against it. As she grew nearer she could see his signature smirk laced across his face but, this one seemed friendlier than most times. Strange.

Expecting normal, Hermione steeled for the rude comment about her blood being inadequate but, no such comment came. She waited at the door, not trusting entry yet. Still waiting for him to say it, say what she knew was coming. Instead, when Malfoy opened his mouth, a much kinder burst of words dripped out.

"Good Morning Miss. Ganger!" he drawled, replacing his smirk with a taunt smile. 

"Um..morning Malfoy?" she attempted at politeness but, seemed to need practice. Hermione wasn't used to being kind to ferrets. 

He didn't say another word, simply continued smiling down at her. Way down. She was at least a head shorter than him, most would have been afraid of this sudden change in Malfoy but, even though Hermione knew something was wrong, her Gryffindor courage snapped to the challenge. She pushed her chin out and shuffled past him to enter the classroom. 

Finding a seat next to Padma Patil and setting up her cauldron, Hermione began to ease up. He couldn't do her harm even if he wanted to, it was her last year and she would not spend it worrying about when he would bully her next. 

Sending a polite smile to Padma, she brought a book out of her bag, intending to get in some light reading before class started. She had just turned the cover before Professor Snape's robe came billowing in the class room and he hushed the crowed with a line similar to one he had used her first year, "There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class!"

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