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Slamming the door to your room closed, you carelessly throw your bag off to the side. Walking towards the bed, you fall back, arms covering your eyes as you press your lips together.

You wanted to cry.

Absolutely nothing has been going well for you, not in the slightest.

Monday, your train gets delayed for three hours, again, causing you to arrive to work late, then on Tuesday, someone bumps into you, making you trip and spill coffee all over a co-worker. Wednesday, someone you didn’t know was taking a week vacation off and you were the one assigned to do their work until further notice. Thursday you got water splashed on you from a passing car due to the previous night’s storm, and today, Friday, your boss decided to take all his stress out on you for no particular reason, and not saying anymore, you needed to find a new job.

That wasn’t even scratching the surface of it. The week before that, your company was thinking of new ways to more efficiently perform tasks, and seeing as to how your boss was struggling to come up with any ideas, you gave him a small boost. When the meeting finally rolled around, he took your idea to the conference and played it off as his own, not giving you any sort of credit or even a ‘thank you’.

Honestly, you almost failed to see why you stayed after that. If it wasn’t for the fact that you needed a stable source of income, you would’ve quit a long time ago.

Not that you needed to worry about that anymore, though.

You groan, furiously blinking your eyes. You refused to cry, not over something as dumb as this. You were finally free from that horrid workplace and now had a chance to actually find a more fitting job. One that wouldn’t take you for granted.


Your phone decided then go go off. You debated for a while to ignore the sound, but ultimately went for it anyways, fearing that it could be something urgent.

Sitting up, you reach your hand into the pocket of your pants and pull out the mobile device, pushing the power button. A single notification bar lights up with an all too familiar chat icon that has you instantly feeling better.

With a quick swipe of your finger, a chat box appears on screen with a lone message.

Surgeon: Are you home from work yet?

You smile, wondering how such a simple text could instantly lighten up your mood even after everything has been throwing negativity at you for more than a whole week. Shifting into a more comfortable position, you swiftly type a reply.

[ Username ]: I’m home, how are you doing? You haven’t messaged me in a while.

You lean back against your pillows, watching the small texts ‘Surgeon is typing...’ jump in their place.

Quite ironically, the two of you met in similar ways through the chat: your friends forced you. Albeit, his were apparently more annoying, though still similar.

Since you were both workaholics, your friends had insisted that you get to know more people, and basically shoved the app in your faces by downloading it into your phones whilst you weren’t paying attention.

Seeing as your friend wasn’t going to stop bothering you until you at least tried to interact, you gave in. To say the least, you weren’t interested in talking to complete strangers that could potentially be hacking your data at any given time, but thankfully, that wasn’t the case. The app had first made you make an account, as all things do, and after you were done, you’d answer a few questions about yourself.

What you were interested in, what were your hobbies, what music did you like listening to, things like that. Thankfully there was an option of hiding information that you didn’t want others to see so you knew at least the people who created the app had a bit of respect for people’s privacy.

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