Namjoon's Girl

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"Hey, babe. How are you?" I smile when I hear his voice on the other side.

"I'm fine," I tell him. I'm laying on our bed, smiling up at the ceiling. "Just sitting here, thinking of you."

"Oh really?" He chuckled. "What are you thinking about?"

"Oh, nothing," I sigh. "Just thinking about how I wish I could feel your fingers instead of mine."

I hear him choke, then a loud crash. There's a long pause, a few quiet apologies, and some rustling that implies he's leaving the room as fast as he could. "Gabby, what the hell?"

I burst out laughing. "I was kidding!"

He groans. "Why? Why must you do this to me? That was in front of my boss' wife, Gabby!"

"Oh, I'm sorry," I giggle.


"I am!" I insist. "It's was really funny."

"This dinner ends in a few minutes, so I should be home in 15. You better be ready for me when I get home, baby girl," he growls into the phone, then ends the call.

Oh yes.

I get up, grinning to myself. I find a couple cute pieces of lingerie in my closet and I slip them on. Then I wait impatiently on the couch, eventually settling on Cartoon Network.

I'm half asleep when I hear the door of our apartment open. "Gabby?" he calls.

"In here!" I yell back, situating myself as unintentionally sexy as I can.

"Ah, there she is." He grins at me. I can already see the outline of his cock in his business pants.

"Yup," I reply, staring at the TV like it's the most important thing to me right now. "Just sitting here. Waiting."

"Oh, what a good girl I have," he smirks, crossing the room. "Have you touched yourself today?"

I shook my head. "No, Daddy, I haven't. I've been very good."

He grabbed my face, turning it towards me. "No, Gabby. You've been very bad. Teasing Daddy while he was at work."

I stuck out my bottom lip. "I'm sorry, Daddy. I really didn't mean to annoy you."

He smiles gently. "I know, baby girl, but I still have to punish you."

I bite my lip, nodding. "I understand."

"Now, lay down on my lap. Ass up." I follow without hesitation, making sure to stick out my butt a little more for him. He rubs my ass a little with his large hand, making sure to wake up the skin, make it more sensitive. I stifle my moan against his leg, trying to ignore his hardness digging into my side. He leans down to whisper, "I better not be able to hear you over this TV. Got it?"

I'm barely able to nod before his hand comes down, the smack ringing through the room. I bite my lip to hold back my gasp. "Good girl..," he murmurs, keeping his eyes on the screen.

The spankings keep coming, each one harder than the last. After the 13th (yes, I was counting), he looks down. "You ready to stop?"

I nod weakly. I swear, a couple more and I would've bit through my lip. He nods in satisfaction, then gently situates me on the floor, kneeling between his legs.

"I think you know what I want." I nod frantically, scrambling to get his pants undone. He chuckles, though I'm not sure if it was at me or the TV.

Hey, Adventure Time is pretty goddamn funny.

Eventually, I manage to pull out his length, mouth watering at the hardness. As much as I wanted to tease him, I really just wanted him to fuck me as quickly as possible. I get to work immediately, letting him fill my mouth and swirling my tongue around his cock. I revel in the groans that fall from his mouth, motivating me to suck harder and open my throat a little more.

At some point, he brings his hand to grab my hair and pull me back. "Alright, come sit on my lap.

I clamber up, putting my knees on either side of his legs. He puts his hands on my hips, guiding me down to his hips. Then he has me start circling my hips, making me wetter with every filthy grind of our hips. I moan lightly into his ear. "Namjoon..."

"Don't you dare come before me," he growls, lightly nipping my ear.

I whine, but obey as best I can, biting my lip again to hold myself back.

He groans, leaning over to capture my lips. "You shouldn't bite your lip like that, baby girl," he whispers. "I can't control myself when you do."

I roll my hips a little faster, desperately trying to find release even though I wasn't allowed it.

Getting closer and closer, I whimper. "Daddy, I can't..."

He pulls me off of him, pushing aside my soaked underwear. "You're not coming until I'm inside you," he says as he slowly leada my entrance down his throbbing cock. We groan in unison when he bottoms out, and wait a few seconds until I nod to tell him he can move.

He moves slowly at first, keeping his eyes trained on mine for any sign of pain. I groan, moving a little faster and grinding down a little harder. He chuckles. "Yes, baby girl. Show me what you want."

"Namjoon..." I rest my head on his shoulder, going a little faster. "You' big..."

"I know," he smirks. He grabs my hips and starts thrusting up. 

I damn near scream, gripping his shoulders tighter and bouncing faster. Soon, I feel my orgasm coming. "Namjoon, I-I, please..."

"Go on, baby girl," he presses his fingers harder into my hips, hard enough to leave bruises. "Come for me."

He barely finishes his sentence and I'm coming, moaning his name over and over because it's the only thing I can remember. A few thrusts later, he comes too, burying himself inside me.

We sit like that for a few minutes before I speak. "You know, we'll need a bigger place if we're gonna have a baby."

He chuckles, stroking my back. "If you get pregnant, I swear on everything I have that we will buy a house."

I gasp, sitting up to look at him. "You're serious!"

"Of course I am," he laughs. "I would do anything for you."

"So we're doing this?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I think so."

Hey, how hard can a child be?

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