Buzzzbuzzzbuzzz. I wake up.
Happy: Go back to sleep and continue the dream Girl.Angry: You can't continue a dream once it has finished idiot.
Happy: But the dream was so fun. Girl was running with big bird and the other girls through the water park. She was about to win the race as well.
Sad: Hey guys, Tiana is in the room.
Girl looks up to see Tiana standing at the door.
Tiana: Turn your bloody alarm off or your head is off.
I roll over and turn my alarm off.
Tiana: Breaky is ready.
I get up, wobbling on my feet for a second. Walking through the door into the living room, i sit at the table. I tend to eat in silence, but they don't.
Sad: Do we have to sit through school today? It wakes Depress up. She's always depressing.
Happy: School won't be so bad Sad, Depress won't wake up, think about our friends.
Girl: Correction, my friends.
Happy: Well, think bout how they make Girl happy, and when Girl is happy, i'm happy.
Angry: Shut up Happy.
Sad: I still don't want Depress to wake up. She needs her sleep.
Angry: Depress won't wake up, i'll make sure of that. I've been thinking of some new moves, some new torture.
Girl: Shut up Angry.
I turn around to look at the time. Zoning out of the conversation. Seeing I've spent to much time eating. I finish my breaky quickly.
Girl: Alright guys, we need to talk about our conversations in the morning. Happy, no more wanting to stay in bed and continue dreams. Sad, no more worrying about waking your little ones.
Angry: What about Worry and i?
Girl: Well you guys are generally focused any way.
I look around to cheek for cars. Seeing it's safe to cross the road, i cross, going back to my conversation.
Girl: Thanks Worry, keep n eye out for me, will ya?
Worry: K *Looks around*
Anxiety: What if Worry worries to much?
Angry: Piss off Anxiety.
Fantasy: Girl, here is your memory copy of your dream. It's not exact and will fade over time, but here it is.
While Girl is in her head listening to the voices and watching her dream, Worry cheeks around for cars and Angry stays on guard in case. Happy sits with Sad and Girl, watching the dream.
Those Little Voices
RastgeleA little story of a girl with little voices in her head, and the adventures she gets up to with them. No order between stories unless i say so. All characters are mine. SO BACK OFF COPYCATS. IM WATCHING O_O