Don't Cut the Tree (Story Of Bestfriends)

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Hey. I'm Princess,and this is the story

of my life:

One day,my parents decided to move to another city. When we reached there, I saw our new house. It was HUGE! It was like 5x bigger than our old house. After unpacking my things,I ran outside to breathe the fresh air. But while I was running at the woods,I bumped into something. I fell and rolled a bit. I saw that I bumped into a boy..

Me: Hey☺️

Boy: Uhmm. Hi.

Me: Why are you shy?

Then I sat beside him near the tree.

Boy: Who are you?

Me: I transfered here in this city just now.

Boy: where do you live?

Me: There! Near that tree over there.

Boy: So we're neighbours then?

Me:Probably☺️ what's your name?

Boy: Uhm I'm Ivan. You?

Me: I'm Princess☺️

Our simple conversation turned into endless talking.

We see each other every day at the place where we met. After 5 years we became bestfriends and we were inseperable. We talked and talked and told secrets to each other.

But,what I didn't know is that he was leaving soon. He has to go to another city to study his middle school and he might never come back. That day before he was leaving,we saw each other at the woods again.

Ivan: Hey I need to tell you something.

Princess: what's wrong,Ivan?

Ivan: I have to transfer to the other side of the country to study middle school.

Princess: Are you kidding? Don't tell me that! (Starts to cry)

Ivan: Don't cry. I don't want to see you sad. I want to leave seeing the smile on your face. Because it's the last thing I want to remember. ☺️

Princess: When are you leaving?

Ivan: tomorrow morning.

Ivan knows that he couldn't bare not seeing Princess. So that night,the night before he left,he went to Princess' house and took her with him secretly. Then they went to the woods.

Princess: I will miss you.

Ivan: I know. I will too. But we will see each other again. Am I right?

Princess: (starts to cry) I don't know. I don't know what I'll do without you. Because you're the only friend I ever had in my whole life.

Ivan: I want you to always remember that though I'm not beside you,I'm not going to forget you,OK?

Princess: I won't forget you too.

Ivan: I want you to go to this tree everyday,as if you will see me here. I want you to remember all of the memories. Do that for me,OK?

Princess: Okay. (Smiles)

The next day,Ivan woke up. Princess was still asleep. He had to go,but he doesn't want to leave Princess alone. So in the tree he writes,"You will always be my Princess. I love you!" Then he kisses her forehead and leaves her.

Princess wakes up and she sees the one that Ivan wrote on the tree. She starts to cry. But she remembers what Ivan told her. That he doesn't want to see her cry. So with all her might,she holds back the tears.

20 years has passed. Every day Princess still goes to the tree. Hoping that Ivan will be there. But every time she goes there,she remembers him and she always starts to cry. But she never forgot what Ivan told her. So she never continued to cry.

One day,a man tries to cut down the tree. Princess saw him. And she runs to him and pleads.

Princess: No! Please! Don't! This is the only remembrance I have of my bestfriend. Please don't cut it away! (Crying)

Man: Remember what I told you? I never want to see you cry,right? You're right. I can't cut this tree off. This is where we grew up together,right? I won't cut it,just stop crying.

Princess' eyes glowed. She can't believe that she saw Ivan again. She hugs him and says:

"I love you Ivan."

Ivan: You never broke your promise. You went back to the tree. Everyday. Do you want to know what I promised myself?

Princess: What?

Ivan: That if I go back to this tree and not see you here,I'm gonna cut it off.

Princess: But you saw me,so what will happen now?

Ivan: I also promised myself that if I come back and see you one more time,you will be mine.

He kneels down and says,"Will you marry me?" "YES" was the reply.

They got married and had a beautiful daughter named Ella. And everyday they would go to the tree and tell her the story of how her parents met. And she never got tired of listening. They lived happily ever after.


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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2014 ⏰

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